NAT: Port Forward not working…. 2.2.4
I been trying to set up this simple rule but no success
I set the Virtual IP on my WAN interface
create the port foward rule for port 'public ip':3333 –> 'local ip':22
the firewall rule is automatically created
But it doesn't work :-\
But it doesn't work :-\
How are you testing it, from your LAN or from the Internet?
I test from the internet, in a different LAN
I have another firewall that is using pfsense 1.2.3, that one has similar port fowarding rules and it works fine
just have no idea its not working on the 2.2.4 firewall
I just created the exacly same rule using my 1.2.3 firewall, and it worked
the only difference is that each firewall uses a different outside IP range
why it works on 1.2.3 but not on 2.2.4?
:-\ :-\ :-\
I find out what was wrong
the gateway of the client server was point to the old firewall only
i changed the gateway and it worked like a charm ;)
I never would have guessed that.