Add static DHCP mapping via CLI
Is it possible to add static DHCP mapping using CLI/SSH?
I am planning to use external system for generating MAC/IP pairs. -
Ah, a CLI expert.
In that case : it's up to you !
Add to your plans:
Goto /usr/local/www/services_dhcp_edit.php - lines 153 up to 340. read them to get the picture.
These ones are validating setting, writing to the config.xml and "marking the subsystem dirty" (which probably winds up killing the DHCP server, to revive it with new settings)
If you can handle this in CLI (and why not) then work out your plans ;)note:
- I'm not sure this is the only file to be considered.
- handling config.xml is considered 'madness'.
- handle all cases I just omitted for simplicity.
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