Yet another - Help with hardware - question (but with a hardware list)
Hi people of the internet! :D I´ve been browsing this site and the forum for a while and I decided to try building a router of my own. Most because of all the features.
But I´m no hardware wiz and I feel like I don´t know what I need (hardware wise) to build the router I want.The guide gave me some idéa, but then I kept reading and there seem to be a million ways to build a router and million different kind of wifi card that works (sometimes) and some
that don´t.I hope someone will be able to help me build my router xD
Today I have a shitty router that came from my ISP. The only function I have is to portforward maybe 4 - 5 rules. I have a gaming computer, a plex media server, chromecast, a smartphone, my gf also has a computer, a smartphone and a tablet.
The media server is going to be running 24/7, if im not going on a vaction. I want both me and my gf to be able to play multiplayer games at the same time, dl/stream media from the plex media server to the chromecast. I want to be able to set up a VPN. So that me and 1 or 2 more can connect to my VPN and log into my plex server etc or be able to find my computers at home when im not at home. I also
want to be able to wake my plex server via the router, so i dont have to leave it on when im going on a vacation. Just start it when i need it.
I have 1gig internet connection and would like the router to support that.
It would be super awesome if its possible to have wifi on it as well. If that´s super tricky or impossible then I might be able to use my old router as a wifi access point (is that the term?).After a bit of hardware browsing I found this:
(Pages in Swedish but some of the text is in English)Motherboard to the support of the page the components should work together. Question is, will it work with pfsense? Will the motherboards wifi work? Is this overkill or is it… umm underkill?
I would go more with a mainboard that comes not sported with WiFi, because if then something is not
running smooth and liquid this will be rally sad if this will be pointed then only on the internal WiFi!So if it must be a mini ITX Board please go together with a used or refurbished one from Intel GB
Dual or Quad Port server adapter will be the best then related to the rarely ones sorted with Intel Ports.If WiFi is a must be internal go with the Compex WLE200NX this will run liquid but if this will
be not a so called "must be" please have a look to your old WLAN router and flash him with
DD-WRT or OpenWRT and run him in the WLAN AP mode, this is better then the internal solution!No Amazon nor eBay in sverige I know, but have a look on this shops please.
pfSense store SG-xxx units are available at this stores, could also something for you.
Varia-StorePC Enigines APU 1D4 pre assembled and shipping world wide not pre assembled
for ~180 €
Board only for DIY
Jetway 4 Intel GB LAN Ports ready to go
Jetway 5 Intel GB LAN Ports ready to go -
What are the specs of the media server? You could potentially run pfsense on that in a VM
Thanks for the reply!
It´s not a must that the wifi is internal with the motherboard. It just seemed like a good idea to get one of those instead of installing a seperate wifi card on it.
But maybe it´s a better idea to get a motherboard with 2 ethernet ports and no wifi and then use the old wireless router as a wifi accesspoint/extender (don't know what it´s called). ?The specs of the media server is a dual core 2ghz intel core duo with 4gb ram (A 5 year or so old computer). It works fine for HD streaming to chromecast. But I doubt it would be enough power
to use it for pfsense at the same time. Especially if I want to use VPN.