Squid 0.4.0 … unable to clean settings
Me again :DStrange behavior
I have removed the package squid (with keep data settings unchecked)
I rebooted pfsense
reinstalled the packageEveryhting is clean default except all mappings are back from … I don't know where
Well, I don't know either. You have instructions on manual removal in the FAQ. Debug with pfSense devs. You need to (un)install twice for the "wonderful" package manager to notice there have been code changes in install/deinstall stuff. I don't have time to debug similar shit.
The code is here:
https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense-packages/blob/master/config/squid3/34/squid.inc#L573Happy debugging.
I executed the PHP code
In Backup Restore History I have a clean actionMapping is still there !
Well, perhaps there are some sections missing? Go thru the .XML files for <name>tag, compare against the list linked above, post here what's missing. I simply don't see what's missing. Tired of staring into the code.</name>
No you know that I'm dumb
Where is the XML ?
The XML files. Here: https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense-packages/tree/master/config/squid3/34
I think it's squidreverseredir
But not sure at all because it's in the list of the thingy that shoudl be removed
Far more serious
In the GUI if you create a mappings and then removing with the cross the rule is still in the squidconf file
:o -
You need to click the Save button.
In general there is a save button no issue with thatIn squid reverse
If you delete a mapping, it's still in the squid.conf.This is not a normal behaviour
I think( but I'm not in your shoes 8)) that the mapping GUI is not well wired to the squid.conf
Maybe that's also why with a reset of squid Mappings doesn't work ? :-\
Well… Post whatever Squid settings you have remaining in /cf/conf/config.xml after the cleanup here. I think you have some god knows what version of Squid settings getting re-imported over and over and over again. Alternative, as already noted on the FAQ: do a backup of your configuration without the packages, reimport, move on.
I'll do that
In the meantime, I cleaned it myself in squid.confThanks
(that package is really a mess ;)) -
Please, test this patch via System Patches:
Apply, uninstall with 'Keep Settings/Data' unchecked.
Sorry could'nt tested it was in reunion over reunion
:'( -
NP :)