PfSense just works out of the box for me
juz wanna give a thumbs up to pfSense team.
it is up and running on my old Dell PowerEdge R200, I just need to buy a quad port gigabit NIC card from ebay and I am good to go, all the ports and hardwares were detected out of the box without any configuration to the kernel needed.
I know nuts about FreeBSD but I can configure everything easily using the pfSense web gui as the gui just works without being overly complicated and it don't breaks just becoz I click on something I shouldn't have and it works with all browsers too. The GUI is so good that I do not have to worry about dealing with the CLI, I can't say the same with Cisco routers though.
I am using it as my company all in one device - router cum firewall cum traffic shaper cum WAN load balancer cum transparent proxy cache and web filter.
it's free and I do not need to give a ton of money to Cisco and Juniper for their hardwares and licenses anymore.
please keep up the great work and don't ever sell pfSense to Cisco.
am using it as my company all in one device
Having a single point of failure, do we?
also a single point of fixing ;)
please keep up the great work and don't ever sell pfSense to Cisco.
depends… what are the offering? ;D