Install tool from source
Hello again,
I must configure strongswan. So I download the source (tar.gz) with FreeBSD and do follow comands (after unpack):
1. ./configure –xyz and
2. makeThen I zip the directory and copy it with scp to the pfsense.
Now I want install the modify strongswan. But how? Yes I unzip it, but what the futher way?!
I try only install (derived from make install), but doesn't it works.I don't want install a compiler on the pfSense!
Someone a idee?
Thanks for help. -
I know, but not my task.
I muss modify it with ./configure –enable-xyz. I need this additional. The modification about VPN -> Ipsec I'm knowing, but that not my acually task. -
This additional what? You'll just break things when you start overwriting shipped binaries with your compiled stuff.
ok. There isn't an other way? I must make a package an then install this local package?!
Sigh. What goal are you trying to achieve that's not possible with the strongswan shipped by pfSense?
I want use smartcard-function by ipsec/ strongswan.