Outbound load balancing for Surveillance?
Hello there folks, I have a pfsense box setup for home use and it's working fabulously, kudos the to devs!
I'm planning to setup another pfsense box at my office and I require to stream the surveillance footage to my home on a tv. Problem is that my office location only has ADSL connections available (only 1mbps upload :( ). 1mpbs for upload falls short for the video to stream smoothly.
My query is, would it be possible to load balance my outbound connection at my office via 2 ADSL WAN connections so that I can combine 1mpbs+1mpbs?
I did some reading before posting, and I know that https traffic cannot be load balanced outbound for obvious reasons. But since this won't be encrypted traffic could I just balance one specific port (ex. 35567) for outbound?
the intended setup could be something like this:
WAN1+WAN2 outbound port 35567 to ===>> WAN1
I will be using the static IP of WAN1 to connect to the DVR, where office connection will get inbound to WAN1, but outbound via WAN1+WAN2 to my HOME connection?
Both the locations will be running pfsense boxes.
I think (my guess) would be to make a firewall rule on LAN for outbound traffic using a LOAD balance group as gateway for all traffic matching port 35567. Please advise me if this would be possible. Thanks.
this generally will not work as you would want it.
loadbalancing does not combine speeds, it just switches by roundrobin to the different interfaces in the group.so while this can be good when dealing with multiple streams of data, it does not help for a single stream/connection.
getting a faster subscription would probably be a better option.
that or using a tranfer protocol that supports multiple streams
getting a faster subscription would probably be a better option.
that or using a tranfer protocol that supports multiple streams
Hi Heper, thanks for helping. Unfortunately faster connection isn't possible as there's only 1 service provider in that area and only ADSL.
U mentioned using a transfer protocol for multiple streams, I'm sorry could you explain that? I'll see if that could be a possibility.
Another option I think would be possible is to have a 3g connection as WAN2, but since it's a metered connection, could I (a. make sure dvr only uses 3g WAN and b. Make sure only DVR uses 3g WAN)?
Really appreciate your help