TWC Prefix Delegation/SLAAC/Firewall Port Forward
How do I register a port forward type rule for a dynamic LAN prefix for a specific host host?
You don't need to NAT/port forwards for IPv6 since the host itself will have a publicly-routable address. Just get a good, static address on the destination server and put in a pass rule on WAN for the address/ports you want to be passed in.
Ok, but the prefix is dynamic and CHANGES on a reboot of the router, so how do I deal with that?
Get a new ISP that doesn't do nonsense like that.
No other choice. This is TimeWarner Cable….
Make a complaint about immature native IPv6 or take a HE-tunnel…
aside from getting TWC to quit it, is there a way to have pfSense open a port for a specific host on a floating prefix?
Don't think so, no.
Don't know what to tell you. Use HE as has been suggested. TWCs "Native IPv6" sucks.
You might try calling them and asking for a static IPv6 PD.
You'll get "eye pee vee what?" but it's probably worth a try.