2.2.6 Installed but no Internet
Long story short, I'm getting internet from comcast and they supply us the the modem and we have a Netgear router. To start it off, I just finished installing ver 2.2.6 of PFsense on an old computer and assigned the NICs respectively. Now, I already have the router and modem set up so at first, it gave some errors when I tried to connect to my pfsense router from the connected computer because there was already the Netgear router that was given the address and whatnot; so I reassigned the IP address of the PFsense router to a so there wouldn't be any issues. At first, I just type the http then the 192 address and I can connect to the PFsense router, punch in the default credentials and then go on my way to setting it up. Now, the farthest I've gotten before it stopped working was a little bit after the setup was complete and I was operating the regular GUI that listed the DNS server, CPU and the RAM being used and all that jazz. About 1 or 2 minutes after being in that GUI, Chrome gave me that little loading circle thing where the thumbnail would be in the tab area and it told me that the connection timed out and now I can't connect to the PFsense router. I can't tell what I'm doing wrong. So any help towards this subject would be GREATLY appreciated.
Do you still have access to the console? If so what does it say?
Is .33 in your DHCP range?
I'd change your Netgear to .2 and your firewall to .1
You can reset the webgui at the terminalIs Pfsense even giving you an IP address?
Open command prompt and type "ipconfig" and hit inter, if you have a 169 then you lost connection to your pfsense box
type "ipconfig /release"
then "ipconfig /renew"still no ip address?
Then set your interface address again and enable dhcp and set your range
lan address, or, which ever you would like
ipv6, just hit enter
lan address again, just hit enter
dhcp server, "Y" and enter
dhcp start range
dhcp end range that helps.
I tried to connect to my pfsense router from the connected computer because there was already the Netgear router that was given the address
Try putting pfsense LAN on xxx.xxx.2.1 subnet as your netgear is on Both can't use same subnet. If you have a wireless AP then set that up as
My setup is like this… Netgear router/dsl <<<dmz, static="" ip="" from="" netgear="""">>> pfSense <<<bridged>>> Hub/AP</bridged></dmz,>
LOL, don't know why I thought his netgear was a switch :o