Are there larger embedded downloads available?
I have 32-GB and 64-GB usb sticks that I want to run pfSense from. The largest image on the download page is only 4GB. Are there plans to make larger images for bigger USB sticks?
The size of the image doesn't have to match the usb stick size, as long as it's big enough it'll work. PFSense doesn't need anything larger. But with a larger stick you have the ability to have PFsense create a secondary image that can be booted from, which comes in handy when doing upgrades and a way to fall back should something fail.
@bob The nano images have the second slice (alternative installation you can switch to if you messed up the other install/slice) built-in. "Installation" of the nano image is simply by copying to the medium with dd or Windiskimager.
Just use the 4GB Image für USB sticks. If you need more storage use a ssd.