LAGG, VLANs, Default VLAN 0?
My pfSense box has 4 interfaces - 1 for WAN, 1 for pfSync, and then 2 in an LACP LAGG. We have 5 VLANs, but we also need the ability for pfSense to send the default VLAN (VLAN 0) out an interface as well.
I currently have the VLAN interfaces created under the parent LAGG interface.
How should I configure this to allow VLAN 0 subnet to access the Internet?
Vlan 0? What switch are you using that let's you set vlan0? Vlan 1 is generally the default vlan. My suggestion is to use another number for your vlan. Not 0, not 1.
Force 10/PowerConnect. It refers to the default VLAN as VLAN 0. If pfSense refers to that VLAN as 1, then I think I see the solution to my issue.
VLAN ID0 is not defined. Valid ranges are from 1 to 4096 usually. Some equipment is limited though.
As dotdash already wrote, avoid VLAN1 as well. It's the default in most gear and oftentimes not changeable. -
When they say vlan 0 do they just mean native vlan with no tagging? Only time I have seen vlan 0 called is like in esxi this is the setting that just means no tagging.
Type a value of 0 or NONE in the VLAN ID field. This indicates that VLAN Tagging is off.
vlan0 is more then likely just the native interface without any vlans involved. ( your standard LAN interface, in pfsense)
When they say vlan 0 do they just mean native vlan with no tagging? Only time I have seen vlan 0 called is like in esxi this is the setting that just means no tagging.
Type a value of 0 or NONE in the VLAN ID field. This indicates that VLAN Tagging is off.
That is exactly what they mean. Thank you for clarifying.
Will I need a 5th physical interface? Or can I just create an interface using the LAGG0 parent as the untagged "LAN?"