UK BT Infinity Business Broadband Carp Failover Setup Problem
I have setup a Draytek 2860 VDSL Router to connect to my business Infinity line and I am testing a setup including 2 PFSense boxes behind the Draytek in Carp Failover configuration.
Static IPs
n.n.n.0 Network IP (Drayteks WAN Interface) Weird config
n.n.n.1 1st usable IP
n.n.n.2 2nd usable IP
n.n.n.3 3rd usable IP
n.n.n.4 4th usable IP PFSense Box number 1 WAN IP
n.n.n.5 5th usable IP PFSense Box number 2 WAN IP (Backup)
n.n.n.6 6th IP Router (Drayteks Routed Subnet)
n.n.n.7 Broadcast IPApart from the LAN network I also have a guest network and the dedicated SYNC network
LAN and guest have CARP IPs too.My problem is with the 1st through 3rd static IPs which simply will not register! I am running 2.3 on the latest build but I was on 2.2.6 and was having the same issue.
I can ping the externals 1 through 6 from a workstation on the LAN interface.
The ARP table on the Draytek registers the 2 PFsense WAN addresses 4 and 5 but not any of the CARP addresses 1,2,3
I cant succesfuly Port forward on the PFSense Boxes to 1,2,3 and I cant get manual outbound nat to use 1,2,3 for outgoing traffic on the LAN network subnet…
I did note that if I make 1,2,3 an IP Alias it registers in the ARP cache table on the draytek but CARP IPs don't seem to register.
I have made sure that IGMP snooping is turned of on the draytek... I have even connected the PFSense boxes through a switch to the Draytek in case there was some issue with the ports on the Draytek.
I am very puzzled by all this as I have followed where I can various articles and forum posts and am unsure as to why this setup isn't working!
any ideas/help will be greatly appreciated as I have run out of ideas....
I think I may have fixed this one!
It took me a lot of experimenting to get the ARP cache on the Draytek to recognise the PFSense Carp IPs….
Finaly seems to be Port forwarding ok though.
Next I will see if I can use a Carp IP as the Outgoing network IP.