NEW Monitoring graph
How about an option to refresh the graph in its current state (meaning if I've hidden one or more items, they stay hidden post-refresh), or an auto-refresh option? If I just hit the Update button to refresh, any lines that I've disabled are shown again.
That is a little technically challenging, so I'll hold off attempting. Although, an easier (partial) step I could work on would be to have it remember the selected drop downs.
Thanks to everyone for the feedback so far!
With the old graphs, we had the ability to set which category we wanted to see first… i.e traffic instead of system. Will this option be available with the new graphs?
I should be able to reuse that current config value for the left Axis. I'll need to build in more config options at some point. Short answer is yes, just not sure how soon.
Cosmetic thing for now. In the "white" theme the graph grid color seems ok not to much on focus on the dark theme the first thing i see is grids everywhere. A barely visible grid should be ok
For the rest i know is in a very early development but i see a ton of drop down menus for a monitor. To much clicks, my mouse wealthy go south very fast with this design i use this a lot and plenty of categorys ISPs in this this town are very bad so i need to use this thing a lot.
Maybe a button style:
Left axis: Right axis:
System Traffic Packets Quality <checkbox to="" enable="" or="" disable=""> System Traffic Packets Quality <checkbox to="" enable="" or="" disable="">- States Processes Memory Mbuf - Wan Lan IPsec
or vertical
Right axis:
System Traffic Packets Quality <checkbox to="" enable="" or="" disable="">- Wan Lan IPsecOn top the category and depending of the category in the second line is the Graph.
Options cold be on the right side of the Update button like Time: 1h 8 hrs 1day etc Inverse: <checkbox>(or drop down but i don't like it on info graphs i personally try to avoid )I'm a simple guy so this is my personally opinion. But this graphs looks cool so i spect this on the traffic graph status and widgets.
</checkbox></checkbox></checkbox></checkbox> -
black font is hard to read in dark theme
black font is hard to read in dark theme
Black font? for the grid a less dar grey than the graph background not the light grey, for the name of the category and graph text should be the base text color or second base or whatever if for some reason they decide to go with a more buttonised approach. But some black text are in the switches and labels on the graph, to much dark yes, i agree.
black font is hard to read in dark theme
I had it working for a while, but something happened with the CSS, I plan on looking into it today.
I added the NTP, DHCP, Captive Portal, and Traffic Shaping graphs. I also made some of the interfaces friendly, still working on the VPN interfaces though.
I also forgot to take some troubleshooting code out, so depending on how soon you upgrade you might see it at the top :-\
edit: Next version will also be showing VPN Users and friendly names for the OpenVPN servers.
Have an issue with that, until I established an OpenVPN-Interface the Monitoring looked good.
Afterwards please look at the attached Picture.
I could reproduse it on two Systems.
See one post above…I was looking at it for so long I forgot it was there.
I also forgot to take some troubleshooting code out, so depending on how soon you upgrade you might see it at the top :-\
It won't be in the next snapshot though.
And speaking of OpenVPN interfaces, I am cleaning up their names in the dropdown now.
edit: I just bumped the version so the next one will also be showing VPN Users and friendly names for the OpenVPN servers. (as well as remove the stuff at the top)
black font is hard to read in dark theme
I had it working for a while, but something happened with the CSS, I plan on looking into it today.
There was a missing bracket in the CSS. I just pushed the fix.
Version 2.3-BETA (i386) built on Fri Mar 04 10:20:14 CST 2016 FreeBSD 10.3-RC1
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/www/status_monitoring.php on line 150 Call Stack: 0.0004 118996 1\. {main}() /usr/local/www/status_monitoring.php:0 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/www/status_monitoring.php on line 124 Call Stack: 0.0004 118996 1\. {main}() /usr/local/www/status_monitoring.php:0 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/www/status_monitoring.php on line 200 Call Stack: 0.0004 118996 1\. {main}() /usr/local/www/status_monitoring.php:0
Arg, …so many test many VMs. Thanks heper! I think I just need to throw in some if statements for the openvpn stuff.
Min: 0%
Avg: 1%
Max: 0%
See attached image.I must have been daydreaming when that was being covered. Could someone please tutor me before the test.
Min: 0%
Avg: 1%
Max: 0%
See attached image.I must have been daydreaming when that was being covered. Could someone please tutor me before the test.
I forget why we decided to put that code in, but I just took it back out.
I must have been daydreaming again when this was being covered too. Could some please tutor me before the test?
How can the standard deviation be greater than the maximum value of the data set?Probe Interval: 15000 (15 seconds)
Alert Interval: 15000 (15 seconds)
All others defaultdpinger output:
loss: 0, delay: .0095890, stddev: .0079330 loss: 0, delay: .0091930, stddev: .0081340 loss: 0, delay: .0092940, stddev: .0080790 loss: 0, delay: .0097080, stddev: .0078550 loss: 0, delay: .1656320, stddev: .2779040 loss: 0, delay: .1651380, stddev: .2781920 loss: 0, delay: .1653530, stddev: .2780680 loss: 0, delay: .1652700, stddev: .2781160 loss: 0, delay: .0046320, stddev: .0013230 loss: 0, delay: .0055140, stddev: .0006520 loss: 0, delay: .0056070, stddev: .0007150 loss: 0, delay: .0052770, stddev: .0008860
Also see attached quality graph image.
2.3-BETA (i386)
built on Fri Mar 04 19:46:06 CST 2016
I have a Nano install on a retired ALIX for testing 2.3
Problem is that I don't see any RRD graphs there (no menu entry to select), is that correct? I'm on a built from Feb 4th.
The old traffic graphs in the dashboard are still there, though. -
I have a Nano install on a retired ALIX for testing 2.3
Problem is that I don't see any RRD graphs there (no menu entry to select), is that correct? I'm on a built from Feb 4th.
The old traffic graphs in the dashboard are still there, though.Correct, the RRD graphs have been replaced with this new monitoring graph (Status menu > Monitoring). This graph is more dynamic, lets you turn off elements you don't want, and also allows you to show two sets of data at once. (compare interfaces, look at more data for one interface, etc.).
RRD is still collecting the data that is presented in this new graph, but it's not generating the images anymore.
Thanks, even I found it now.
Was looking at "System" for "Monitoring", not at "Status" … -
WRT to NOYB's screenshot above, the units on some of the graphs and tables are a bit . . . strange.
A) Is there a plan to convert the dashboard traffic graphs to the new "Interactive Graphs" as well?
B) two horizontal grids are "a bit" hard to work with. There should only be one grid at a time, scaling the axis accordingly. (see screenshot)
Black as text color was already mentioned not being perfect. Maybe we can have the grid in black to get better contrasts. Currently the white grid is the dominant color, making it harder than necessary to read the graphs itself.
The color scheme in NOYB's screenshot is OK, I'm probably just seeing a CSS issue.