PfSense-Full-Update-1.2.1-TESTING-SNAPSHOT-20080707-0641.gz - Bugg?
Upgrade though webgui, all went smooth, rebooted itself and went online successfully. Great !, here below are some of stuff that dont work for me since the 1.2 stable version.
I cannot;
- Install squid pakage
- Status: RRD Graphs page all screwy. I can see the graph but not the charactors (as in writing)
btw: can i use the web firmware upgrade page to load the stable verison again? or do i need to make a new install allover again?
Load balancing pools breaks (are off line)
update settings (see pic)
did a auto update back to 1.2 and works fine for me after the reboot. Thow firefox 3 started to use 100% cpu while updating.![update settings.JPG](/public/imported_attachments/1/update settings.JPG)
![update settings.JPG_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/update settings.JPG_thumb) -
rrd graphs example (did an update from 1.2 full -> 1.2.1 full)
Known issue, thanks.
You should be able to downgrade to 1.2 release on full installs with no problems.
Swicthed back to 1.2-stable yesterday, flashed though webgui with no problem, today im testing pfSense**-Full-Update-1.2.1-TESTING-SNAPSHOT-20080708-0725.gz** . Status: RRD Graphs page works now, great !.