IPSec Mobile Clients
Hello !
I'm setting up a pfSense box to provide IPSec VPNs for site-to-site tunnels and mobile clients…
I'm testing and learning this distro at the same time...
The site-to-site part seems to be OK...
But, now i'm reading tutos about mobile client parts...
First thing : i've found this for VPN Clients : http://shrew.net/
Any feedback about this software :) ?
And now, the real thing :
pfSense does not support NAT-Traversal (NAT-T) for IPsec, which means if any of your client machines are behind NAT, IPsec VPN will not work. This alone eliminates it as a possibility for most environments, since remote users will almost always need access from behind NAT. Many home networks use a NAT router of some sort, as do most hot spot locations, hotel networks, etc.
Source : http://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/VPN_Capability_IPSec
So anyway to connect mobile clients ?? So why this post :
Perhaps i'm misunderstanding the NAT-T feature ?
By the way, i've found a post ( http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,9332.msg54258.html#msg54258 ) where it's said sthg like :
"IPSec Problems with mobile clients have been corrected in pfSense 1.2.1"
Any info about that ? Any changelog/url ?
I've found this : http://devwiki.pfsense.org/ChangesV121 … But the only thing , i find, about ipsec mobile clients is : http://cvstrac.pfsense.org/chngview?cn=21860
Thank you for reading.