LanIP to Wan2 [Solved]
I have been searching through the threads and coming up with a blank for what I am trying to do.
I am trying to get it where one of my computers lets say ( to route its traffic out of my second wan (Not Default wan).
Problem is the different ways I have tried it keeps routing all traffic from the computer to the default wan and not wan2.Tried the following rules. (one at a time)
Tried 1:
Action: pass
Interface: LAN
Gateway: wan2Tried 2:
Action: Pass
Interface: LAN
Protocol: any
Destination: wan2 addressTried 3:
Action: Pass
Interface: LAN
Protocol: any
Destination: wan2 net
Gateway: wan2Tried 4:
Action: Pass
Interface: wan2
Source: am not trying to open ports for this computer as of yet. I am just trying to route all traffic from this computer out wan2.
Option 1 should be fine.
Be sure to put the rule above the default rules. Also reset states
Cool beans that worked.
I guess it didn't work the first time I tried it due to it not being on top of everything. ???
rules are evaluated top–>down
so if there is a rules higher up, that also matches, then the ones below won't be processed.
Action: pass
Interface: LAN
Gateway: wan2with doing it this way and also having Destination port range set to default (other) with nothing inputted. it wont open all ports to that computer correct?