Bom Dia,
Tenho uma dúvida caso os amigos possam me ajudar. Preciso fazer cluster do meu PFSENSE. Minha dúvida é a seguinte. Se eu manter as configurações indênticas (IP Wan, Iplan, IP vlan) no master e no slave, mudando só o ip da Interface SYNC, isso teria algum problema?Irá funcionar?
Good Morning,
I have a question if friends can help me . I need to cluster my pfSense . My question is as follows . If I keep indênticas settings ( IP Wan , Iplan , IP vlan ) the master and the slave , only changing the ip of SYNC Interface , this would have a problem? Will it work ?
Thank you,
The sync address is just the IP of a pfSense Box, which gets the configuration settings. This can be slave or master or any box else.
If you intend to obvert sync direction, first delete the sync IP from the master than add the new one to the slave.