I cant get VLAN tagging to work any help?
My setup:
WAN > Pfsense > Wireless AP running tomato.
Here's a picture of my VLANs on tomato
I want VID 20 to be bound to my "Guest" SSID. So I did that. I set VID 20, tagged port 4 because port 4 is the port from my AP to my pfsense box, and bound BR1 to my guest SSID and set it as the interface for VID 20.
br0 is for my home wifi network( and br1 is for my guest wifi users( according to this picture, all traffic on Guest will go to br1 right? And all traffic on br1 will be encased in VID20.
I also enabled trunking on my AP.
Now on Pfsense.
Heres a picture of my guest interface.
Here's a picture of the DHCP server assigned to the GUEST interface.
I did a google search, and one page said that I cant have two DHCP servers on one machine. Is that true? Because in this setup I do have two servers running on my pfsense box. One for my LAN interface ( and another dhcp server on the guest interface (
Well since a google search told me that that won't work, I set my AP to have a DHCP server hand out the guest IP range instead.
Now heres the issue.
How do I know if my guest traffic on my AP is going through to my guest VLAN on pfsense? Because when I look at my DHCP table, I only see one entry for the guest network, and its just the guest interface. I tried to connect to my guest network from my phone and it doesnt list on the DHCP table. I'm assuming this is because my AP is handing out DHCP leases and not pfsense, right?
Well how do I confirm if the guest traffic is still being routed to my guest VLAN?
never used tomato, so no clue if other settings can/need to be set.
have you tried removing the priority setting on your pfsense interface?
I took off the priority setting and it still doesnt appear to be working.
The way I'm testing it is by making a captive portal to see if anyone who connects to my guest network gets sent to the portal.
Well I enabled the portal and rebooted everything, and now when I connect to my guest network, it doesnt present me the login screen. It just says unable to establish a connection.
But when I set the captive portal to my LAN interface, it shows the login for the portal.
Even when I disable the captive portal, I'm still unable to get internet using the guest network.
**more edit:
It appears that my AP cant communicate with my router when I use a different IP.
My router hands out and my gateway is
Well when I connect to my guest wifi, it hands out a ip, and the gateway is Since they're two different gateways, I'm guessing they can't communicate with eachother?
*another edit: I was right. I just connected to my guest wifi network and I tried to access my routers config page via my guest wifi connection. Well I can't. Because the DHCP for my guest network assigns when my routers gateway is
you need to put the tomato in accesspoint-mode & disable routing
How would I go about it on pfsense then?
I had tomato handing out IP addresses because I wasn't sure how to put 2 DHCP interfaces onto one machine and I already had pfsense doing
When I tried to make pfsense do both 10.12.1 and 10.12.2, it would never use the 10.12.2 it only assigned 10.12.1
Every vlan has its own interface & optional dhcp server. You can set whatever subnet you want.
I started over and it still isn't working.
pfsense interfaces:
pfsense VLANs:
pfsense DHCP servers:
The top one defaults there. I didnt create it. But when I try to change its VID from 1 to anything else, I get locked out of my AP and I have to factory reset it.
port 2 is my trunk port. When I enable tagging on port 2 I lose internet access and my AP cant resolve an IP address.
AP bridge settings(no longer handing out IP addresses simply a gateway):
The issue might be the vlan ID numbers. You are using 1 for your test network, but this might cause a conflict with the LAN subnet assigned to the same interface. Try changing the vlan ID for the test vlan to something else on both PFSense and your access points, and see if that works. There are lots of networking experts who frequent this forum - one of them might spot other pitfalls in your setup.
In your last setup, you've set the tomato settings to tag VID 30 on port 2, and nothing else.. Where do you define where VID 30 originates? in the SSID settings?
Also, did you add rules to that GUEST interface to allow traffic to enter pfsense?