2 WAN - 2 LAN - Portforwarding
Can you tell me step by step how to set on LAN2 the GW of WAN2 an the rule?
Yes for sure. Ok i go to:
Firewall -> Rules -> LAN2
and there i edited the "Default allow LAN2 to any Rule" and selected under Advanced Options -> Gateway my WAN2 Gateway.
I have done the same for the LAN1 - WAN1.
Now i go to System -> Routing and unchecked any default Gateways, so no Gateway is set as Default. Thats all what i have done. I think i missed much more Things do to?
thanks a lot man….its works perfect!!!! :D
what is your problem exactly?
No problem:). My issue is, if wan1 goes down (to test i have unplugged the lancable to wan1), lan2 can not resolve any dns names anymore, so no internet access. Can you test this on your setup?
I cant, cause my server is dedicated visualization.
but you cant. if you connect WAN1 to LAN1 and WAN2 to LAN2, LAN1 can not see the WAN2.maybe you want third WAN (WAN3) as a fail-over for WAN1 and 2
No you missunderstood:). I dont want Failover. If WAN1 goes down, then it is ok, that LAN1 is offline! But my Problem is, that if WAN1 goes down, also LAN2 has no Internet Connection, because there seems to be an issue with dns Resolution. If you unplug WAN1 on your pfsense, can you Access the Internet from LAN2?
is you wan1 checked as default?
in the System/Routing/Gateways -
No i havent set any gateway as default. Do you set a default gateway in your setup?
i just tested. unchecked vlan that connect WAN1 in my vSphere to test and disable WAN2. but if i disable WAN1 all the VMs that connected in WAN2, go out from WAN1.
that is mean in somewhere is configured WAN1 as a primary.You must tell us someone where or find myself :P
Cause i dont see any help here, maybe our solutions is PfSense Dual WAN Failover Configuration.
im going to tested it… -
So if you disconnect WAN1, your WAN2 clients are also not able anymore to go online? I think there is a problem with dns resolution, because the dns servers are only listed on the WAN1 interface on Status -> Interfaces.
why no one answer us?
So you have exactly the same problem?
Is this really not possible with pfsense?
@GSianos, do you have some news? I am on testing since 3 days, but no luck…
…me too...
why no one answer us????? :( -
…me too...
why no one answer us????? :(I dont know. Look the Problem is, if i use a Gateway Group, then it works without Problems. But i dont want to do this, because i dont want to share one wan Connection for my both LANs.
I cant beleive, that there is no one solution for this Problem!
I dont know.
You know it, it is based on the gateway groups.
Look the Problem is, if i use a Gateway Group, then it works without Problems.
You see it is based on the gateway groups.
But i dont want to do this, because i dont want to share one wan Connection for my both LANs.
You can realize it by using one or more load balancing methods likes;
- service based routing
- session based routing
- policy based routing
like you want, but for each WAN connection you must create a gateway group! Nothing more, but
also nothing less!I cant believe, that there is no one solution for this Problem!
There will be a solution, but not in that way you will walk on or in that direction you are thinking.
Its a thinking trap or false you are in! Nothing more.for the LAN group 1 one or all his clients the gateway from the gateway group WAN1 should be used
and in the LAN group 2 the gateway from the gateway group WAN2 should be used to set as gateway.
Thats all you have to do. But without the both or two gateway groups you will be not able to realize it.
Multi WAN
Gateway GroupsRead the entire and full links carefully word by word and solve your problem out.
My problem is, that the version of pfSense i used is 2.3 and i dont know how to do all of that for failover….