Captive Portal Broken after upgrade to 2.3 Release
Get the initial login/ auth page but when entering username + password tries to load "http://its_address:8002/index.php?zone="
Browsers Just sit there and hang. and never get redirected to "success" page nor get Internet routed access.Have had the portal working for 2 years and has always survived updating the software through multiple versions until now :-)
I read the Upgrade Guide.
AM using simple local user accounts on PFS to authenticate. Nothing fancy no Radius.We are running the captive portal off of the LAN interface with a specific tagged VLAN.
Any obvious things I should do? And was this already covered in previous posts? I am still looking.
Do you use the internal login page or a custom page? If the latter is the case, check that all of the hidden form items are included on your custom page. We missed the PORTAL_ZONE input and experienced the same problems after the upgrade as you do.
Yep custom page..
Pretty sure you are right!
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Steve -
Yes that fixed it Thank You.
excuse me could you explain me this a bit more? I have the same problem
here is my custom page
–------------------------------<title>Corporación Sigo S.A</title>
<header id="header" class="navbar bg bg-black">
Corporacion Sigo S.A
</header><header class="panel-heading text-center">Autenticación</header>
Wireless Access Register
<form action="$PORTAL_ACTION$" class="panel-body" method="post">
<label class="control-label">Voucher</label>
<footer id="footer">
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