Major issue with QUAGGA-OSPF and VLANs (pfsense 2.3.0)
Hi All,
I'm having the same issue but when I tried to revert using the following command:pkg add -f
The OSPF and ZEBRA service no longer started.
If I ran the following command via SSH, I received this error:
Exec format error
Anyone have an idea of what I may be doing wrong or perhaps a configuration incompatibility that I must remove? I tried uninstalling the packages, rebooting then reinstalling but didn't help. I tried removing all the interfaces from the configuration but services still didn't start.
This is a MAJOR issue for us because we rely on OSPF for redundancy, at the moment, without it working, if a link goes down, we have to manually reboot the pfSense units so that the new routes are written.
I've attached my ospfd.conf and zebra.conf files with some of the IP's and passwords changed.