Issue on DHCP v4 Pool
In DHCP v4 server, when editing a pool to an opt interface the link doesn't point to the opt interface.
Adding the pool is like this: pfsense/services_dhcp.php?if=opt5&act=newpool
Editing the pool is like this: pfsense/services_dhcp.php?if=&pool=0
Excluding the pool: pfsense/services_dhcp.php?if=&act=delpool&id=0
If you copy the link and just add the opt5 (for example) it goes right!
This issue occurs in any interface.
It occurs even after a reboot
Using: 2.3-RELEASE (amd64)
built on Mon Apr 11 18:10:34 CDT 2016
FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASEWindows 7 And Chrome 49
What are you saying is not working? I checking going to my pools on multiple opt interfaces and sure seems to be working correctly.
Can you post a screenshot of what is not working.
Sorry, I didn't mention that it is an additional pool, however I attached a screenshot as you requested it.
See the buttons (edit and delete) of the additional pool? Now see the link at the bottom. It's missing opt5 after the if=
After I click on edit or delete the page goes to my LAN interface. The link looks like this: pfsense/services_dhcp.php?if=&pool=0
![dhcp add pool2.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/dhcp add pool2.png_thumb)
![dhcp add pool2.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/dhcp add pool2.png) -
Fixed, thanks. -