Crash Report Won't Delete?
After upgrading to v2.3 a little over 2 weeks ago I've had a crash report that I can not seem to delete. Everytime I login, it gives me the same crash report from april 11th and I delete it. I've reinstalled all packages and I haven't had any issues after the upgrade, but the crash report persists. Is there a manual way to remove the crash report via ssh/shell?
crash report –>
That's the date of the kernel, not the crash report. You're almost certainly hitting it over and over. I believe BBCan fixed that in one of the more recent versions (within the past few days). Are you on the latest pfblocker version?
It doesn't show me any updates for it. Current version is v2.0.12.
I mis-read the bug ticket for this issue, it wasn't actually fixed.
What output do you get for command:
grep pfb_interval /cf/conf/config.xml