To Block HTTPS based traffic i used certificate method.
I just generate certificate use 'CERT MANAGER' and Enable "SSL MAN IN THE MIDDLE FILTERING' and Configure "SQUID ACCESS CONTROL LIST" on Blacklist type and on Whilelist type but both sites generating error and not able to open also import SSL based certificate on browser.
please help.
not able to open also import SSL based certificate on browser.
You can't figure out how to do this or are not allowed or otherwise incapable of doing this? The whole point of HTTPS is to detect and defend against man in the middle. If you want to man in the middle your browsers, you need to insert your cert. Why do you think even the USA government is so worked up about HTTPS?
Well my mission is just to block HTTPS based traffic so i adopt this method , i already inserted certificate on browser but certificate warning message occurs.
I don't use SQUID, but the few times I used cert overrides, I always inserted into the OS, not the browser. I know the browser does support managing certs to some ability, but like for PFSense's web UI, I download the CA and inserted that directly into Windows to solve the cert warning.