Routing Issue
Hi Folks,
I have upgraded 1 of my branch office firewall yesteday to latest released 2.3 and found out this morning that im having issue connecting to my main Office branch.
To elaborate further
- The upgrade process went smoothly from 2.2.6 to 2.3 right after the upgrade i ask my on-site IT support to test out the internet connection and to check all our internal services if accessible and my on-site IT support confirms all services are accessible with out any issue. So i assuimed everything goes smoothly.
Until this morning, normally i will be receiving a squid report every morning but this morning breaks, i called my on-site IT support to check if theres any issue he said everything works perfectly.
So i dig further i did some ping test via console from my branch office pfsense and found out i cant ping anything to my main branch office, BUT if do ping test on GUI (diagnostics) no issue.
Looking into System > Routing > Static Routes
I tried disabling the static routes then i did a ping test on the console again seems OK, BUT im having issue accessing some internal services from the brand office.BTW, the routing is enable before the upgrade and no issue. Im not sure if its a bug the latest released.
Appreciate any advice. Thanks.
I've had this issue, uploading the old config .xml backup resolved the issue. I didn't spend any time looking for the issue cause.