@tuannm1509 said in issue with VPN Tap mode:
i can't ping form the VPN Client to Lan Interface of Pfsense Firewall and PC Test
Do you mean, you ping from the client itself and use the LAN IP as source, or pinging from any other device on the clients LAN?
For other devices on the LAN, you would need to add a static route to them for the remote network and point it to the Windows machine.
Additionally on Windows you would need to enable routing and configure its firewall accordingly to pass through the traffic. I don't think, that the bridge do the job without this.
It would be a better practice to run the OpenVPN client on the router instead.
Anyway you need add a CSO on the OpenVPN server for the client, where you state the client sides LAN network at "Remote Networks". Additionally you need to state it also in the server settings.