Ok here it is my network layout
Maybe you guys have some other opinions… all of them will be apreciated :D
ISP [Poll of 5 Pubic IP's]
[16 Ports HUB]
|–--------------------------[router Drytek Site to Site other Office]
|–--------------------------[PFSENSE - VPN SITE to SITE][Lan-][Wan-Public IP]
[IP NOKIA 330-Firewall-Def. Gateway]–------------------[DMZ - Linux - Trustix - SMTP - PostFix + Squid]
| | |
[D.C->] [Exchange->] [App Server->]
IP330 NOKIA -> default gateway for servers and pc's with fixed IP's
PFSENSE -> default gateway and Proxys for lan PC's
Its Pfsense that i want to connect to someother pfsense or cisco etc etc need to be IPSec
But i dont want that the other end of the site to site vpn see / browse my office pc's / Shares etc etc