@jhg said in OpenVPN pfSense to pfSense (peer-to-peer) connected but not routing:
It seems you need all of the following non-default settings
System/General Setup/DNS Server Override ON
As mentioned multiple times, I think, this setting affects pfSense itself only, as long as you have not enabled DNS forwarding in the Resolver.
You still didn't mention if you have this.
Anyway, it has no affect on a domains, which you have configured an override for.
VPN Client/Tunnel Settings/"Pull DNS"
This also has no affect on a domains, which you have configured an override for. So you don't need to set this for your purposes and I never suggested to enable this option.
Custom firewall rule on OpenVPN interface to allow incoming traffic
That's pretty plausible. pfSense is a firewall, all intended traffic needs a rule.
DNS Resolver: add an ACL permitting the remote LAN to query the server's DNS resolver
That's by design of Unbound (DNS Resolver). You need ACLs for all unknown source IPs.
Some comments:
If you use the wizard to create multiple VPNs you'll get duplicate firewall rules for incoming VPN traffic
Also note, that the rule tab "OpenVPN" is in fact an interface group including all OpenVPN instances your are running, can be servers or clients. Hence rules, you add there are applied to all.
For better separation you can assign interfaces to the OpenVPN instances. However, remember that rules on the interface group have priority over ones on a member interface.