@stephenw10 very true, using dot or doh to prevent interception is a valid use case for those 2 protocols.
I personally don't have any issues with the actual tech, what I have a problem with is doh, and your browser or app using it without your clear acknowledgement to the fact..
If the network your connected to is intercepting dns, then sure use of dot would be one way to actually forward to where you want without them intercepting it and redirecting it to their own dns.
But its going to be impossible for you to actually resolve in such a setup.. And if your not actually talking to the authoritative NSers then yeah dnssec is going to fail.. As it is designed too do.
So you can either get with the landlord or whoever has access to this isp router to turn off that intercept feature. Or you can just forward and let it be intercepted.. Or you can use forward via dot to circumvent their interception, or you could use doh on your clients directly as another method of circumventing their interception.
Or you could setup a vpn and resolve your dns via the vpn connection, which would also circumvent their interception of your dns.. But with their interception your not going to be able to directly resolve, nor is dnssec going to work.
Turning off dnssec and leaving it in "resolve" mode could work, but your dns is still being intercepted.. And most likely its going to fail, because the answers you get are not really going to be what the resolver is looking for when it resolves.
if it was me I would go the vpn route and resolve through that connection. You could get a cheap vps, couple of bucks a month and just route your dns traffic through that.. if you can not get the building your in to turn off that dns feature of the isp router is doing.
If that is too complicated for you.. Then just setup dot forwarding to some dns you trust to use, googledns, clouldflare, quad9, etc.. etc.. Not like there are not plenty to choose from.. They all have the best interests of everyone for their only motivation for wanting users to send them their dns queries ;) heheheh
I mean its not like these companies are out to make money or anything, I mean how much could it cost to setup a global dns infrastructure that can provide dns to the planet ;) Why not just do it for free.. I mean what else could their motivation be - if not to just provide free service to the planet ;) ehehhehe