In regards to what your explaining, there should be no difference in how the package is working in pfSense 2.2.6 or 2.3.
If you wanted to start fresh with the package… goto the pfBlockerNG: General Tab, and unclick "Enable pfBlockerNG" and "Keep Settings"… then hit "Save"… This will remove the database and files but leave the configuration intact... Re-click both checkboxes and "Save"…. Follow that with a "Force Update". You can then review the pfblockerng.log in the Update Tab window.
Depending on how you defined the pfBlockerNG Cron task, its typically defined to run "Every hour". You can goto the "Update Tab" tab, and click the "View" button before the Cron task is scheduled to run, and you will see in Realtime what is occurring…
If there are specifics, copy/paste those into this thread, or send me a PM and I can help guide you further...