Running processes, like syslog, don't keep their own time. The use a system call to get the exact time when needed.
That time, you can see it on the command line, just type
That is the "time stamp" syslog uses when it writes a log line.
The time is normally counted by a real time clock on the system motherboard. This chip, or the power (remember the famous BIOS RAM battery - it's the same ?)
Added to that, pfSense processes a ntp = a real time service, so even if the local real time facilities is bad or worse, the system will will get synced every minute or so so it compensates for the loss ( normally less then some nano seconds )
You have the ntp service activated, right ? By default, it is.
Just checking : Status > NTP :
The NTP is normally configured with host or pool name - I use
and this host name points to a pool with mixed IPv4 and IPv6 IPs.
One is chosen, and the others are backups.
If you managed to find a pfBlockerng IP list that has these (time server) IPs on the list, and you use the list to block for outgoing connection, then yeah, you've aligned the nearly impossible :
Using a device with a bad real time clock - this happens more often nthen you thing, stuff just dies .... that's normal.
Adding extra software (pfBLockerng), and use it to block IP that you actually need : the time server your NTP has selected... now the system time will derail.
And yes, a good accurate time isn't that important for syslogging (that is, I would consider it a security issue), but becomes very important for simple DNS requests (DNSSEC)ร ... or just TLS, also used by pfSense itself.
So : pfBlockerng : check your IP feeds you've chosen. You should always do this. Just think about it : what happens if you start to use that list that contains all the windows update IP's of Microsoft - and you use this list for blocking outbound connection ? Your PC will not receive any updates anymore, as it can't contact to 'Microsoft' anymore. That's ... dono, not great ?!
Or you got the list that contains all the IPs of the servers that contain the lists of all the other IP lists and DNSBL (yes, that has been done already) : pfBlocker can't download (update) the other lists anymore ... also great ...
So, to make a long story short, sorry to say, but do not trust anything that comes from the internet. Use it, and check it. If doubts, don't use it.
With pfBlockerng taken care of, your NTP server should now sync up your real time.