I encountered a couple of php errors since I migrated to 2.7 freebsd 14 or what seems to be called ^devel^ now.
They have one thing in common and that is exactly this error.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in xyz
Somehow (not at all sure) I have a feeling that it also have a relation with the xml parser (/etc/inc/xml*) . Some observations:
#0 [internal function]: startElement(Object(XMLParser), 'BR', Array)
#1 /etc/inc/xmlparse.inc(188): xml_parse(Object(XMLParser), '<?xml version="...', false)
#2 /etc/inc/xmlparse.inc(160): parse_xml_config_raw('/usr/local/pkg/...', 'packagegui', 'false')
#3 /usr/local/www/pkg.php(65): parse_xml_config_pkg('/usr/local/pkg/...', 'packagegui')
I also noticed an relation with parsing of arrays. When creating an interface or vpn-list.
I hope this helps to identify the problem.
PS I noticed that there is already a php 8.2 option in FreeBSD ports