PPPoE with vlan
It's usb to Ethernet adapter, i have also tried with the built in one None of them works -
@kristian_m Well, USB support in pfSense/FreeBSD is really poor.
Do you have any other hardware you can use?
@rcoleman-netgate i have tied to use the built-in Ethernet and it's the same but the USB to Ethernet works on lan
@kristian_m I would suggest trying different hardware that has multiple NICs in it.
USB NICs on pfSense are a horrible idea, especially related to throughput.
But i am trying to say the Ethernet port on the computer is the same result -
I am gonna see if opensense works
I would expect it to work with the em port. How exactly was it configured?
Did the ppp logs show any replies from the server?
@stephenw10 No it won't even connect like you can see in the logs (in the photo album)
What is the WAN actually connected to? Some DSL modem?
It's possible the modem is already doing the VLAN tagging and you shouldn't have it configured in pfSense?
@stephenw10 it's connected to the router i have from the ISP it's set to bridge mode and uses cable tv. I could try without the vlan tag in pfsense
Yup try that. It might still be tagging WAN side in bridge mode.
@stephenw10 ok, will do when I get home
@stephenw10 it's still the same
Maybe the ISP requires something else like a priority tag?
@stephenw10 well i don't know since they don't know anything else than i need to setup username, password and it over vlan 101
Hmm, I'd be looking for something more basic then. Like maybe the bridge port on the router isn't the one you think it is. Or something as simple as a bad cable.
I would definitely use em rather than ue though. No way to know if VLAN tagging is working as expected on a USB NIC. -
@stephenw10 just tried new cable from em0 to the bridged router and tried all the ports on the router the same
Hmm, well my next step after that would be to try to get a packet capture of what the WAN is actually sending. That would probably require a switch configured with a mirror port in-line though.
@stephenw10 i can try to see if i can do it, where would i need to set my switch then? With a cable directly from the bridged router to it?
Well I'd first just try a pcap on em0 in pfSense directly and see if you see any incoming packets there. And that the outgoig packets are tagged as expected.
The problem with that is that the capture is after any hardware packet processing so potentially may hide an issue. A pcap from a switch mirror port always shows what's actually on the wire but is more difficult to do. Once you have that though you can capture what other routers are doing when the connection is working as expected.Steve