hawaiiantel fiber with static ip, dns cant resolve the page
I am on Hawaiian tel fiber business internet, when i plug my computer directly into their GPON adtran device and put the static IP and DNS in my computer, i have no issues at all and i can navigate everything and all website load perfectly. however when i put the same static ip and static DNS into pfsense (nothing else is changed, a fresh factory reset just a static IP) i get so many pages that say the website cant be loaded due to DNS not being able to resolve the domain. and their big domains like google.com or amazon.com. as mentioned, the exact same dns and static ip directly to my computer bypassing netgate sg2100 has none of these issues and everything loads perfectly fine.
I just bought this device and i never experienced anything like this, can you please help me. I am using your netgate sg-2100
THank you
Ben -
@ariban99 We are working with you on this ticket right now.