My Pfsense has crashed
@stephenw10 This is the first time i see this crash.
Or any crash?
@stephenw10 Maybe two or three months ago my Pfsense crashed (for the first time) and i believed it was because i had configured an additional Openvpn instance but with TCP 443 (i currently have two Openvpn instances, one with UDP 443 and the other with TCP 443) i mostly use UDP and have the TCP as a backup. My Pfsense web management is on a different port.
i was hoping the crash report would point out the cause of the crash. i am going to do some trial-and-error, first by replacing the SSD and then disabling the Openvpn TCP instance.
Hmm, unfortunately it doesn't point to anything specific.
We saw the same thing here:
But in a much older version which makes it look like a more general problem, like bad RAM perhaps. -
@stephenw10 The first time Pfsense crashed two or three months ago, i ran the Dell's diagnostic and it found no errors on the RAM. Then at around three days before the second Pfsense crash, out of curiosity i ran a Memtest86 and it did not find any errors on the RAM either. I don't mind replacing the RAM and is one of the items in my trial-and-error list. i have replaced the SSD at this point.
Do you know if the crashes were all identical? Probably not RAM if they were.
@stephenw10 i did not pay much attention to the crash report during the first crash so i cannot say for sure if the second crash is identical to the first. But, i was using Openvpn TCP 443 when the first crash happened and i was using Openvpn UDP 443 when the second crash happened. i am waiting to see if Pfsense crashes again after replacing the SSD, if it does, i will start digging into the Openvpn settings.
I'd be surprised if it's anything to do with OpenVPN to be honest. Both times we saw it it appeared to be in php.
@stephenw10 if it is a php issue, could it also be related to hardware?
Unlikely IMO. Hardware errors are usually more random.