Public Static IP
I have a pfsense firewall already on production. Now, we have a public static IP given to us by our ISP provider. I set up the WAN ip to our public static ip, the subnet and default gateway which is the upstream gateway.
The problem is that when I finished setting it up, there's no internet connection in the LAN and I figured it out that I cannot ping the gateway.
Is my configuration is correct? Or is there other configurations to do in our modem?
sample ip
public ip = 120..219.*
subnet =
gw = 180..13.
dns = 124..181.* / 124..181.* -
@MarkCabrera see my answer in your other thread where you were asking about port forwarding in the nat section. But you asking the same question - but in that thread you said your gateway was
Your gateway is outside your IPs network..
in my previous thread, I got that error when i configure my WAN ip from DHCP to Static, and I already fixed it. Now my problem is that when i put my gateway given from the ISP it's offline 100% Packetloss. -
@MarkCabrera well because the gateway is outside your network you say your IP is 120.219, but you say your gateway is some 180.x address - that is outside the range. So you checked the box i linked too?
If you can not ping your gateway then get with your ISP..
What device are you plugging pfsense into?? Your other thread mentioned - that would seem to indicate your behind a router and not a "modem"
Yes. 254.254 is the gateway of my router when I set my WAN into DHCP. Now the ISP give me the 180.x gateway. When my WAN is on DHCP, i can ping the 180.x gateway, but when I set the WAN with my public static IP with 180.x upstream gateway, the 180.x gateway is offline 100% Packetloss.This is my on going pfsense setup.
ISP --> pfsense --> cisco catalyst 3650 managed switch.
@MarkCabrera When pfsense is in dhcp mode for wan, does it get a public IP or some rfc1918 address like 192.168.x.x?
If your isp devuce is doing nat, you can not normally set a static public IP on some device behind this device..
Again what is the device your plugging pfsense into - what is the make and model?
yes, it does get ip like that.So, do I need to configure my router?
I install the pfsense in a computer. Did I answer you correct?
@MarkCabrera so it gets a rfc1918 address, 192.168.x.x
Then its in nat mode - you prob need to set it bridge or modem mode.. Again what is the make and model of the device?