Boot Crash on 2.7
Today, I upgraded my Pfsense from 2.6 to 2.7. Boot was crashed after the reboot, and I failed to take backup before the reboot. Is there any way to restore my Pfsense or backup of the configuration.
gptboot: No /boot/loader on 0:ad(0p2)
gptboot: No /boot/kernel/kernel on 0:ad(0p2)FreeBSD/x86 boot
Default: 0:ad(0p2)/boot/kernel/kernel
boot: -
You can try booting the old kernel from /boot/kernel.old/kernel
But it's probably easier to just install 2.7 clean.
@stephenw10 No, Its not working. It remains same.
gptboot: No /boot/loader on 0:ad(0p2)
gptboot: No /boot/kernel/kernel on 0:ad(0p2)FreeBSD/x86 boot
Default: 0:ad(0p2)/boot/kernel/kernel
boot: /boot/kernel.old/kernelgptboot: No /boot/kernel.old/kernel on 0:ad(0p2)FreeBSD/x86 boot
Default: 0:ad(0p2)/boot/kernel.old/kernel
boot: gptboot: No /boot/kernel.old/kernel on 0:ad(0p2)FreeBSD/x86 boot
Default: 0:ad(0p2)/boot/kernel.old/kernel
boot: -
Hmm, might have lost the whole partition then. Reinstalling clean is almost certainly the fastest way to get back up an running.
@stephenw10 Yes, You are right.
Only few items were left in the partition.
root@:~ # mount /dev/ada0p2 /mnt
root@:~ # ls
.k5login .profile .shrc
root@:~ # cd /mnt
root@:/mnt # ls
.cshrc .profile .rnd .snap .sujournal dev lib libexec sbin usr var
root@:/mnt # -
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