FreeBSD 15?
Is pfSense running on FreeBSD 15?
Is FreeBSD 15 even out yet?
The reason I ask is i'm trying to install ntopng again, and its saying that it does not support FreeBSD 15,
Checking the releases page, they do not have a release for FreeBSD 15,
Asking for a release for FreeBSD 15, they are saying FreeBSD is not out yet,
Yep, it's "15".
Using FreeBSD-CURRENT which means the "it's so outdated, more recent versions exists" fanboys stay quiet now, and the "we are living on the bleeding edge, I might fall, it's to risky, all the bugs are unknown yet" are waking up.
The thing is : The FreeBSD pfSense uses is a very stripped down version of what you can find - see link above.
No x-Windows, no Wine, no compiler/tools etc, no Mail facilities. Just a kernel, a bunch of NIC drivers and some core apps like pf etc (well, ok, a little bit more).
Also, pfSense (kernel) is build from the available "15" source, and not all and everything is needed and has been taken out.All very IMHO of course.
I assume you mean ntop-ng Pro/Ent? The Community version is available as a pfSense package.
@stephenw10 Yea, but its a old version.
I prefer to install from ntop repository to get the latest version.
@deanfourie said in FreeBSD 15?:
I prefer to install from ntop repository to get the latest version.
With 24.03. ntopng has been upgraded from 5.6 to the current community version, which is 6.0. Unless you have paid for a pro or enterprise license, I don't know of a reason to use the pro/enterprise 6.1 installer. You just aren't going to notice much difference between the installs.
Hmmm ok ill update and use that for now then.
Just noticed when I try to install, I cannot install any packages. I have confirmed that I have removed the NTOP repositories but have not touched the pfSense repos. Any ideas whats up with this?
@deanfourie said in FreeBSD 15?:
Just noticed when I try to install, I cannot install any packages. I have confirmed that I have removed the NTOP repositories but have not touched the pfSense repos.
[24.03-RELEASE][admin@pfsense.haighaccess.local]/root: pkg update Updating pfSense-core repository catalogue... pfSense-core repository is up to date. Updating pfSense repository catalogue... pfSense repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. [24.03-RELEASE][admin@pfsense.haighaccess.local]/root:
@deanfourie I saw a few Reddit posts with a similar error.
@SteveITS Interesting, a update from console seems to go fine.
However, still no access to to any package information.
Let me know if theres anything I can do to troubleshoot.
[24.03-RELEASE][root@7100.stevew.lan]/root: pkg search ntopng ntopng-6.0.d20240102,1 Network monitoring tool with command line and web interfaces pfSense-pkg-ntopng-5.6.0 pfSense package ntopng
@stephenw10 Yea nah, its all messed up.
Doesn't seem to want to install.
It installs, but none of the menu options appear in pfSense to manage it.
@deanfourie itโs under Diagnostics. Historical reasons.
So you were able to see the package lists? How/what did you install exactly?
@dennypage yup, i know. But its not there
@stephenw10 yes, I was able to see the package lists,
I used pkg install ntopng
Ok well that only installs the ntopng binaries and non of the pfSense pkg stuff.
From the CLI you'd need to:
pkg install pfSense-pkg-ntopng
@stephenw10 ahh ok yea that worked thanks,
Any idea why package manager is not working within pfSense?
Not really. If the backend pkg command work the gui should also be showing that. Can it see installed packages?