Hardware driver
It won't really works on last version (2.7):
[2.7.0-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.home.arpa]/: pkg-static add https://pkg.freebsd.org/FreeBSD:12:amd64/release_4/All/realtek-re-kmod-197.00.pkg
Fetching realtek-re-kmod-197.00.pkg: 100% 100 KiB 102.1kB/s 00:01
Installing realtek-re-kmod-197.00...
pkg-static: wrong architecture: FreeBSD:12:amd64 instead of FreeBSD:14:amd64Failed to install the following 1 package(s): https://pkg.freebsd.org/FreeBSD:12:amd64/release_4/All/realtek-re-kmod-197.00.pkg
As v2.7 uses FreeBSD 14.0
As v2.7 uses FreeBSD 14.0
This worked btw:
pkg install realtek-re-kmod
Updating pfSense-core repository catalogue...
pfSense-core repository is up to date.
Updating pfSense repository catalogue...
pfSense repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):New packages to be INSTALLED:
realtek-re-kmod: 198.00_1 [pfSense]Number of packages to be installed: 1
102 KiB to be downloaded.
Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
[1/1] Fetching realtek-re-kmod-198.00_1.pkg: 100% 102 KiB 104.2kB/s 00:01
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/1] Installing realtek-re-kmod-198.00_1...
[1/1] Extracting realtek-re-kmod-198.00_1: 100% -
Yes the pkg is in our repo in 2.7 so you can just install it directly. That also means it's build for the specific kernel used by pfSense.
@stephenw10 hello everyone. i am a new user, i installed pfsense on my machine and i wanted to install Realtek RTL8125B dual port 2.5G drivers. i followed what you wrote but as user @Gradius says with pfsense 2.7.0 it can't be done anymore. I tried sending the command directly into the machine (pfsense) as root@pfsense.xxxxx.local/root.
I also tried to do "pkg install realtek-re-kmod" and it says that the packages versions are already installed but the driver seems not to go (I also did reboot the machine). tips for this white rabbit?
@stephenw10 said in Hardware driver:
echo 'if_re_load="YES"' >> /boot/loader.conf.local
echo 'if_re_name="/boot/modules/if_re.ko"' >> /boot/loader.conf.localDid you do that part?
@stephenw10 no. now i reset to factory defaults
@stephenw10 Now I did as you said but in root@pfsense.home.arpa/root nothing happens
Try running:
cat /boot/loader.conf.local
Make sure those two lines have been added to the file. Those are required to load the kernel module at boot.
@stephenw10 now i see them enabled, but pc won't connect. i have tried everything between rebooting, swapping cables, swapping re0 re1 re2 re3. all day i try. i unplugged everything and plugged the line back to pc to write
are they working? if this is the result?
@stephenw10 said in Hardware driver:
echo 'if_re_load="YES"' >> /boot/loader.conf.local
echo 'if_re_name="/boot/modules/if_re.ko"' >> /boot/loader.conf.locali try this command nothing happen
it normal?
@jeonard1985 said in Hardware driver:
i try this command nothing happen
With these command you add the two lines to the
file. That worked; you added the two lines 6x but that won't hurt.After that you reboot so the driver get loaded.
Yes, and then check the boot log to see the driver version when it attaches to the NIC.
@Gradius can you show how you did this and where you obtained the 1998.00 driver.
198 is the version in our repo:
[2.7.2-RELEASE][admin@t70.stevew.lan]/root: pkg search realtek realtek-re-kmod-198.00_3 Kernel driver for Realtek PCIe Ethernet Controllers
@stephenw10 is there any space between any thing in the two echo lines.
as well after this is done what command do you give to do I proper reboot? -
@stephenw10 Is this the right driver to download?
If I do from 13 it gives an error if I go with 14 it loads. -
@stephenw10 Do I need to take my Intel NIC card off the motherboard to get this to work/ load. And then put the NIC card back so I have incoming and outgoing? The Realtek is the NIC the motherboard comes with.
@pfultz said in Hardware driver:
@stephenw10 Is this the right driver to download?
https://pkg.freebsd.org/FreeBSD:14:amd64/latest/All/realtek-re-kmod-1100.00.pkgNo that won't load into the pfSense kernel. You must use the pkg from our repo. Or compile your own driver.
@pfultz said in Hardware driver:
Do I need to take my Intel NIC card off the motherboard to get this to work
No. The Realtek driver doesn't care about Intel NICs, that would make no difference.
@pfultz said in Hardware driver:
after this is done what command do you give to do I proper reboot?
Just reboot normally from the console menu or GUI (Diag > Reboot).
So where is the link to the drivers from your repo?
Are you referring to this?
pkg search realtek realtek-re-kmod-198.00_3
don't I need to "pkg-static add" of 198.00_3 first
Or I run this command to start it? "pkg install realtek-re-kmod"How do I compile my own driver?