Is my netgate 5100 hosed? Factory reset doesn't work.
I downloaded the configuration on out active Netgate 5100 and wanted to restore it on our warm spare Netgate 5100. Connected a laptop to our defined LAN port and logged in. Started the upload of the xml config and got an error (unfortunately didn't screenshot it).
Each time I tried to access the device via the port got the same error. Shutdown the machine and now I can't access it via our defined LAN port. Tried the power off/restart several times no luck.
Since it was our spare (fortunately!) device, I tried the factory reset (unplugged, pressed reset switch) and waited about 1 minute. Still cannot connect using the 2nd from the left ethernet port at
Any suggestions?
@klubar the two green front panel lights are on and the ethernet light is on when I plug in my laptop (so it's not a power issue).
@klubar An update... I plugged in a usb mini and used telenet to look around.
Issue was error SSHKEYFILE cannot occur more than once. Deleted the duplicate sshkeyfile entries and was able to reboot.
Moving this issue to different thread as it's not a hardware issue.
@klubar That issue has been fixed in recent versions. I suggest simply reinstalling the latest version on it first, then restoring.