SPF swap from ATT fiber to 2100
I recently got ATT fiber and I would like to know ow of anyone has had success with plugging their SPF in to the netgate 2100?
I have a BGW320-500 with the Nokia SPF I-temp 1310 tx plugged in and 300 gig service.
I searched the forum and only found one thread and it was decided that their SPF was an XPON SPF+ 10G card wouls not be supported by thw Netgate 2100. The specs on the one I was provided says it's just GPON and 1.25/2.5, so would the 2100 work?
Any thoughts or recommendations are welcome and thanks in advance.
@KOOL43 Well thats hard to say. I have a 2100 with a running GPON 1.25/2.5 BiDi SFP trancievers from fs.com. Before that I tested it with a Nokia tranciever with similar specs, and that also worked without issues (but was a loaner). So I would expect it to work, but it’s impossible to guarantee it up front.