Snmp problem: m0n0mon broken since a while now
Did you check the boxes on the SNMP screen to load modules? You may at the very least need MIB-II, but checking them all would be advisable.
Settings seeming to be OK. I'd never touch them. Don't know whats wrong. Here's a screenshot:
Cant figure out, why there are no Interfacec listed …
I have all four checked and it appears to be OK for me on the most current snapshot:
[2.0-BETA4][root@pfsense.localdomain]/root(1): snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost | wc -l
6734 -
I updated my Alix to the latest pfSense NanoBSD version … m0n0mon can't read the interfaces again. A new SNMP walk starting with the OID .1.3 has only this short result:
Variable = system.sysDescr.0
Value = wall.daheim.local 432368702 FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE-p2
Variable = system.sysObjectID.0
Value =
Variable = system.sysUpTime.0
Value = 76648
Variable = system.sysContact.0
Value =
Variable = system.sysName.0
Value = wall.daheim.local
Variable = system.sysLocation.0
Value =
Variable = system.sysServices.0
Value = 76
Variable = system.8.0
Value = 1
Variable = system.
Value =
Variable = system.
Value =
Variable = system.
Value =
Variable = system.
Value =
Variable = system.
Value = udp transport mapping
Variable = system.
Value = lsock transport mapping
Variable = system.
Value = The MIB module for SNMPv2 entities.
Variable = system.
Value = The MIB module for the Begemot SNMPd.
Variable = system.
Value = 0
Variable = system.
Value = 0
Variable = system.
Value = 1
Variable = system.
Value = 1
Variable = snmp.snmpInPkts.0
Value = 535
Variable = snmp.snmpInBadVersions.0
Value = 0
Variable = snmp.snmpInBadCommunityNames.0
Value = 0
Variable = snmp.snmpInBadCommunityUses.0
Value = 0
Variable = snmp.snmpInASNParseErrs.0
Value = 0
Variable = snmp.snmpEnableAuthenTraps.0
Value = 2
Variable = snmp.31.0
Value = 0
Variable = snmp.32.0
Value = 0
Variable =
Value = 2048
Variable =
Value = 2048
Variable =
Value = 1
Variable =
Value =
Variable =
Value = 3
Variable =
Value = 1
Variable =
Value = 0
Variable =
Value = 0
Variable =
Value = 0
Variable =
Value = 0
Variable =
Value = 2
Variable =
Value = 0
Variable =
Value = 7
Variable =
Value = 1
Variable =
Value = 4
Variable =
Value = 1
Variable =
Value = 1
Variable =
Value =
Variable =
Value =
Variable =
Value = 1422193218Interfaces should be listed, cause they should have OID … but they aren't listed!
Btw ... after the update i have now errors in the dashboard at the Cpu Graphs section:
Warning: include(/usr/local/www/widgets/widgets/cpu_graphs.widget.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/www/index.php on line 673 Warning: include(): Failed opening '/usr/local/www/widgets/widgets/cpu_graphs.widget.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/etc/inc:/usr/local/www:/usr/local/captiveportal:/usr/local/pkg') in /usr/local/www/index.php on line 673
Is it possible, that in the embedded version the interfaces branch of the OIDs, aren't present?
The CPU graph widget was disabled, because it had some issues. I thought there was a check in the code to skip it if it wasn't found.
I'll have to check snmp on my nanobsd install after I update it next time. I am testing on a full install so there could be a difference there.
Can you paste the contents of /var/etc/snmpd.conf here?
Ooops … that was magic! I'm wondering if you answered, bevor i'd posted ;D
location := "" contact := "" read := "public" system := 1 # pfSense %snmpd begemotSnmpdDebugDumpPdus = 2 begemotSnmpdDebugSyslogPri = 7 begemotSnmpdCommunityString.0.1 = $(read) begemotSnmpdCommunityDisable = 1 begemotSnmpdPortStatus. = 1 begemotSnmpdLocalPortStatus."/var/run/snmpd.sock" = 1 begemotSnmpdLocalPortType."/var/run/snmpd.sock" = 4 # These are bsnmp macros not php vars. sysContact = $(contact) sysLocation = $(location) sysObjectId =$(system) snmpEnableAuthenTraps = 2
Interesting, it's completely missing the section that should be in there if you really have those checkboxes set in the GUI.
It should end with:
begemotSnmpdModulePath."mibII" = "/usr/lib/" begemotSnmpdModulePath."netgraph" = "/usr/lib/" %netgraph begemotNgControlNodeName = "snmpd" begemotSnmpdModulePath."pf" = "/usr/lib/" begemotSnmpdModulePath."hostres" = "/usr/lib/"
I put your additional lines via pfSense load/edit/save in snmpd.conf and reboot pfsense (since i don't know how to restart a service manually) … and it's working now!
I forgot to say: I expicit unchecked saved and checked the checkboxes in the SNMP dialog before. Nothing happened. There seems to be something going wrong.
And when I check the boxes on mine, the config comes out as expected. Even if I check them one by one, the expected lines appear.
hmmm … but you have no embedded?!
I just tested that on my ALIX. It works fine there.
Then i have no clue what could be the reason. I have a old wrap at the company. If i got time next week i modify it to nopacket, perform a clean install on the wrap and report the result here.
When you check those boxes in the GUI and save, and then leave and come back to the page, are they still checked? Or did they uncheck themselves?
It could be something in your config that's doing it, but I'm not sure what that might be
I don't know … call me crazy now. I tried different things and every time after changing things i checked /var/etc/snmpd.conf. It's working now? Yesterday i made the screenshots and post the content of the config file. The essential lines were missing. This is what i did now:
First i just check and uncheck the boxes. Accordingly to the changes in the GUI the snmpd.conf was changed also. Then i tried to disabled completely SNMP services and save the settings. After that i enabled it again with checking the boxes. Works! Then the same but enabling without checking the boxes. Works too. Then checking the boxes ... works also.
It's not really nice not to know whats going wrong. But i can clearly say that i had this problem, not only on my machine. Since it's not a totally really needed essential feature (like IPSec), i accepted this behavior for a long time.
At the moment i hope, that it was a problem, that may be existed in older versions, and may be i upgraded it all the time, to the newer snapshots ... and the issue may only occur in touch with my existing config ... and it's now is away cause of the newer snapshot (wondering why i was yesterday not able to save the settings with same snapshot)?!
But thx very much for your help ... wishing you a relaxed weekend 8)