Huawei k3765 3G HSPA USB Stick
I've huawei k3765 modem and I would like to use it on my pfsense machine. Refer to pfsense website, pfsense doesn't support this modem. however, I found a blog that shows how to use this modem on freebsd.
Base on this blog I'm able to use this modem on my freebsd machine but I can not use it on pfsense because some commends are unavailable in pfsense.
Anyhow, I believe that some one here could help me with it.
Thanks in advance.
You need to check the bootup text. If you see a line with this:
U3g0 found 6 portsIt may work. Modem list is incomplete.
Have you created an PPP connection and is there entries under ports? Like cuaU0.1, cuaU0.2 ect.
If so have you tried all ports, rebooting after each one?
Here is a good basic troubleshooting guide. the PPP.conf stuff. It has been changed to MultiPPP dameon
You can post PPP log for help
dmesg output :
ugen4.2: <huawei technology="">at usbus4 ugen4.2: <huawei technology="">at usbus4 (disconnected) ugen4.2: <huawei technology="">at usbus4 u3g0: <huawei 0="" 2="" technology="" huawei="" mobile,="" class="" 0,="" rev="" 2.00="" 0.00,="" addr="">on usbus4 u3g0: Found 4 ports. umass0: <huawei 0="" 2="" technology="" huawei="" mobile,="" class="" 0,="" rev="" 2.00="" 0.00,="" addr="">on usbus4 umass1: <huawei 0="" 2="" technology="" huawei="" mobile,="" class="" 0,="" rev="" 2.00="" 0.00,="" addr="">on usbus4</huawei></huawei></huawei></huawei></huawei></huawei>
I did try all ports, but i didn't reboot after each. I'm going to do so.
About ppp log, where is it store?
There is a huge amount of cou uses for mdp5 after connect the modem to machine!!!
Top :PID USERNAME THR PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE TIME WCPU COMMAND 16458 root 1 100 0 13920K 4844K RUN 0:51 94.48% mpd5
I see umass0 and umass1 in your boot log. You may need to do an eject on them or similar. Modeswitcher may be needed. I use internal Sierra MC7700 and it just works.
Generally data ports use the next to last interface. cuaU0.2 in your case.
PPP log is under system log. It has its own tab at top of page.
I use WAN as my 3G interface and set to DHCP for an IP. Get it working then you can rearrange interfaces. That may not work with usb devices though… I just wonder on your current setup with the dhcp settings on your WAN. You could try to swap maxis 3G interface to WAN until you get it working right. That way your not dealing with dual wan stuff.
With mpd5 using that much cpu usage -I assume somethings is amiss. Perhaps the modem script is not working correctly. A ppp log snip will help… Your u3g0 looks good so hardware is recognized. I am unsure about the umass stuff....
pfSense uses Freebsd underpinnings so much of this is valid
You can manually connect and even probe the modem with AT commands from PPP console.
ppp log:
May 10 10:31:55 ppp: [opt1_link0] CHAT: The modem is not responding to "AT" at ModemCmd: label. May 10 10:31:55 ppp: [opt1_link0] MODEM: chat script failed May 10 10:31:55 ppp: [opt1_link0] Link: DOWN event May 10 10:31:55 ppp: [opt1_link0] LCP: Down event May 10 10:31:55 ppp: [opt1_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 3 in 4 seconds May 10 10:31:59 ppp: [opt1_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 3
No idea how to fix that!
OK so chat script failed.
If you try this setting it bypasses some of the modem script.
PPPconfig>>show advanced>>modem init string:
+CFUN=1 -
You sound like you have a parallel FreeBSD installation. |Check your FreeBSB bootlog there to see if it is showing umass0/1. I'm pretty sure that needs fixing up to work. I don't have much experience with usb fobs.
When your checking in Freebsd take note of the cuaU0.x port being used. PfSense will use the same.
+CFUN=1 doesn't help.
CHAT: The modem is not responding to "AT+CFUN=1" at ModemCmd: label.
Boot log
ugen4.2: <huawei technology="">at usbus4 u3g0: <huawei 0="" 2="" technology="" huawei="" mobile,="" class="" 0,="" rev="" 2.00="" 0.00,="" addr="">on usbus4 u3g0: Found 4 ports. umass0: <huawei 0="" 2="" technology="" huawei="" mobile,="" class="" 0,="" rev="" 2.00="" 0.00,="" addr="">on usbus4 umass1: <huawei 0="" 2="" technology="" huawei="" mobile,="" class="" 0,="" rev="" 2.00="" 0.00,="" addr="">on usbus4</huawei></huawei></huawei></huawei>
I think the modem is in storage mode instead of modem mode.
what i did without luck :
# pkg install usb-modeswitch # rehash # usb_modeswitch -v 0x12d1 -p 0x1520 -M "55534243123456780000000000000011060000000000000000000000000000" -W # cat << EOF > /usr/local/etc/usb_modeswitch.conf # Huawei K3765 DefaultVendor= 0x12d1 DefaultProduct= 0x1520 TargetVendor= 0x12d1 TargetProduct= 0x1465 MessageContent="55534243123456780000000000000011060000000000000000000000000000" EOF # cat << EOF > /etc/devd.conf attach 10 { device-name "ugen[0-9]+"; match "vendor" "0x12d1"; match "product" "0x1520"; action "/usr/local/sbin/"; }; EOF # cat < <eof>/usr/local/sbin/ #!/bin/sh sleep 3 /usr/local/sbin/usb_modeswitch -H -c /usr/local/etc/usb_modeswitch.conf sleep 12 /usr/local/sbin/usb_modeswitch -H -c /usr/local/etc/usb_modeswitch.conf EOF</eof>
The above didn't work,I think.
So, how can I switch mode in pfsense?However,
pkg install mpd5
solved the high CPU consumption for mpd job.
I also noticed on that Freebsd setup blog referenced in your first post -that he was showing the device to have an UE0 interface. I don't see that in your boot log, does it appear? Might require some more modeswitcher work. I do see the umass on Freebsd so maybe thats no the problem. Modem might need a cdc mode kick
+CFUN=1 doesn't help.
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CHAT: The modem is not responding to "AT+CFUN=1" at ModemCmd: label.
This is a problem. The only command we sent to modem was -Modem On-
If its not responding to that then there is a hardware issue.Did you try going to console and use #8 Command Shell and type ppp just to see the output? It will give you some clues without diving into "Term" mode under ppp console… Probably need to address your hardware issue first though.