APU1D with LTE Huawei ME909u-521
Here are the details on the MC7700 in DIP mode.
See we have a QMI mode there in #6 but "Not Supported"
Here is the same module switched to QMI with the Sierra Windows utility Modeswitcher. Looks like the PID changes from 68A3 to 68A2…
I cannot find any other serial port than the APU1D's mother board ports:[2.2.4-RELEASE][root@pfSense]/root: ls /dev/ acpi ada0s1 bpf cuau0.init devctl gpioapu label null pts stdout ttyu1.init ugen0.1 ugen5.1 xpt0 ad4 ada0s1a bpf0 cuau0.lock devstat io md0 pass0 random sysmouse ttyu1.lock ugen1.1 ugen6.1 zero ad4s1 ada0s1b console cuau1 dumpdev kbd0 mdctl pass1 sndstat ttyu0 tun1 ugen1.2 ugen6.2 ad4s1a apm crypto cuau1.init fd kbdmux0 mem pci speaker ttyu0.init tun2 ugen2.1 urandom ad4s1b apmctl ctty cuau1.lock fido klog midistat pf stderr ttyu0.lock ufsid ugen3.1 usb ada0 audit cuau0 da0 geom.ctl kmem nfslock ptmx stdin ttyu1 ufssuspend ugen4.1 usbctl [2.2.4-RELEASE][root@pfSense]/root::
Do you have any idea on how to switch between configurations ?
Thank you
We can change the device's configuration with:
usbconfig -d 1.2 set_config 0
usbconfig -d 1.2 set_config 1
I can see ue0 disappearing after switching to mode 1 (2 actually)
No serial port are discovered in any mode.
Maybe a serial port driver issue ?
Any help will be much appreciated.
After some more reading i see that usb-modeswitch does do more than -CD eject-. I think with a CDC interface you have gone as far as you can -without USB port recognition. You really need the USB interface to send AT commands for APN and to connect. CDC ethernet devices work with an AT channel. The Ericsson H5321 is such an example of working in pfSense with an CDC data interface. It uses the AT port to connect, CDC for data.
To get that -you would need your VID/PID in FreeBSD "USBDEVS" file and then device details in "U3G" file to be recognized . Even then I don't know what goes on with modem scripting(mpd5) It might require something there as well. Seeing how there are other Huawei on the list it might work. I see they uses CDC-NCM.
So what are the two configurations you are switching? We know that one is an CDC Ethernet interface. What is the other? Does the module PID change with Configuration?
Is usb-modeswitch actually switching the VID/PID on the physical module or software aliasing it?? I dunno…
If usb-modeswitch is just an software alias then consider switching the PID to a Huawei module on the support list like EM820 or similar. You need to watch this stuff because you can lock yourself out of the module(BRICK) if the stuff writes to hardware…
I am not familar with how usb-modeswitch works.
I tried the following:
[2.2.4-RELEASE][root@pfSense]/root: usb_modeswitch -v 12d1 -p 1573 -V 12d1 -P 0x1506 Look for target devices ... No devices in target mode or class found Look for default devices ... product ID matched Found devices in default mode (1) Access device 002 on bus 001 Current configuration number is 1 Use interface number 0 USB description data (for identification) ------------------------- Manufacturer: HUAWEI Technology Product: HUAWEI Mobile Serial No.: 0123456789ABCDEF ------------------------- Warning: no switching method given. See documentation -> Run lsusb to note any changes. Bye! [2.2.4-RELEASE][root@pfSense/root:[/code] The result is not as expected: [code][2.2.4-RELEASE][root@pfSense]/root: usbconfig -u 1 -a 2 dump_device_desc ugen1.2: <huawei mobile="" huawei="" technology=""> at usbus1, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps) pwr=ON (500mA) bLength = 0x0012 bDescriptorType = 0x0001 bcdUSB = 0x0200 bDeviceClass = 0x00fe bDeviceSubClass = 0x0000 bDeviceProtocol = 0x0000 bMaxPacketSize0 = 0x0040 idVendor = 0x12d1 idProduct = 0x1573 bcdDevice = 0x0228 iManufacturer = 0x0002 <huawei technology=""> iProduct = 0x0003 <huawei mobile=""> iSerialNumber = 0x0004 <0123456789ABCDEF> bNumConfigurations = 0x0002 [2.2.4-RELEASE][root@pfSense]/root:[/code] Otherwise, I found this: [url]http://technotation.com/2012/08/15/freebsd-and-mobile-broadband/[/url] So, I'm trying to recompile a kernel with usbdevs and u3g.c updates. This takes a quite long time.</huawei></huawei></huawei>
Got it: I now have 4 more serial ports in pfSense :)
Follow these steps for compiling pfSense 2.2.4's kernel:
https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=83062.msg454667#msg454667Use these tips to create and activate the patch:
http://technotation.com/2012/09/08/pfsense-and-mobile-broadband/Compile the kernel and install it into your pfSense.
You're in.
I will try to push my updates to pfsense-tools.
I am working on an unsuported module as well. I am choosing to do my mods on FreeBSD usbdevs/u3g first then maybe push them upstream. Compiling here as well! My laptop fan is a whirling loudly.. I wonder if the compiler is multithreaded on FreeBSD11(I upgraded tonight).
I thought i had "MODULES_OVERRIDE = u3g" set for compiling but it is still compiling everything.
I am using the same website instructions as you. They have been invaluable as I have no BSD background and sometimes struggle with Linux to BSD equivalents..
Since the kernel embeds all the modules, you need to compile the whole kernel.
I'm encountering troubles… :-\
I've set up a LTE interface like the one in the screenshot.
Unfortunately, ppp doesn't connect and I get the following logs:
Aug 3 18:54:14 shuttle ppp: Multi-link PPP daemon for FreeBSD Aug 3 18:54:14 shuttle ppp: Aug 3 18:54:14 shuttle ppp: process 34901 started, version 5.7 (root@pfSense_RELENG_2_2_amd64_amd64-pfSense_RELENG_2_2-job-01 00:07 9-Jun-2015) Aug 3 18:54:14 shuttle ppp: caught fatal signal TERM Aug 3 18:54:14 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IFACE: Close event Aug 3 18:54:14 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: Close event Aug 3 18:54:14 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: Close event Aug 3 18:54:14 shuttle ppp: waiting for process 76130 to die... Aug 3 18:54:15 shuttle ppp: waiting for process 76130 to die... Aug 3 18:54:16 shuttle ppp: [opt4] Bundle: Shutdown Aug 3 18:54:16 shuttle ppp: waiting for process 76130 to die... Aug 3 18:54:16 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] Link: Shutdown Aug 3 18:54:16 shuttle ppp: process 76130 terminated Aug 3 18:54:17 shuttle ppp: web: web is not running Aug 3 18:54:17 shuttle ppp: [opt4] Bundle: Interface ng0 created Aug 3 18:54:17 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] Link: OPEN event Aug 3 18:54:17 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: Open event Aug 3 18:54:17 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: state change Initial --> Starting Aug 3 18:54:17 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: LayerStart Aug 3 18:54:17 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] CHAT: +CGDCONT=1,"IP","mmsfree" Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] CHAT: Detected Hayes compatible modem. Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] CHAT: Dialing server at *99#... Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] CHAT: ATDT*99# Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] CHAT: Connected at 43200000. Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] MODEM: chat script succeeded Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] Link: UP event Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: Up event Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #1 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] ACFCOMP Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] PROTOCOMP Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] ACCMAP 0x000a0000 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] MRU 1500 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] MAGICNUM b72f1c2b Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #40 (Req-Sent) Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] ACCMAP 0x00000000 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] MAGICNUM 45de6366 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] PROTOCOMP Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] ACFCOMP Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: SendConfigAck #40 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] ACCMAP 0x00000000 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] MAGICNUM 45de6366 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] PROTOCOMP Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] ACFCOMP Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #1 (Ack-Sent) Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] ACFCOMP Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] PROTOCOMP Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] ACCMAP 0x000a0000 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] MRU 1500 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] MAGICNUM b72f1c2b Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: auth: peer wants CHAP, I want nothing Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: LayerUp Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: rec'd Discard Request #41 (Opened) Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] CHAP: rec'd CHALLENGE #1 len: 35 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] Name: "UMTS_CHAP_SRVR" Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] CHAP: Using authname "user" Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] CHAP: sending RESPONSE #1 len: 25 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] CHAP: rec'd SUCCESS #1 len: 4 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: authorization successful Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] Link: Matched action 'bundle "opt4" ""' Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] Link: Join bundle "opt4" Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4] Bundle: Status update: up 1 link, total bandwidth 43200000 bps Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: Open event Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: state change Initial --> Starting Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: LayerStart Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: Open event Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: state change Initial --> Starting Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: LayerStart Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: Up event Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: SendConfigReq #1 Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPADDR Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: Up event Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent Aug 3 18:54:18 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #1 Aug 3 18:54:20 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #2 Aug 3 18:54:20 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: SendConfigReq #2 Aug 3 18:54:20 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPADDR Aug 3 18:54:20 shuttle ppp: [opt4] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid Aug 3 18:54:22 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: SendConfigReq #3 Aug 3 18:54:22 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPADDR Aug 3 18:54:22 shuttle ppp: [opt4] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid Aug 3 18:54:22 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #3 Aug 3 18:54:24 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #4 Aug 3 18:54:24 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: SendConfigReq #4 Aug 3 18:54:24 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPADDR Aug 3 18:54:24 shuttle ppp: [opt4] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid Aug 3 18:54:26 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: SendConfigReq #5 Aug 3 18:54:26 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPADDR Aug 3 18:54:26 shuttle ppp: [opt4] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid Aug 3 18:54:26 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #5 Aug 3 18:54:28 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #6 Aug 3 18:54:28 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: SendConfigReq #6 Aug 3 18:54:28 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPADDR Aug 3 18:54:28 shuttle ppp: [opt4] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid Aug 3 18:54:30 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: SendConfigReq #7 Aug 3 18:54:30 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPADDR Aug 3 18:54:30 shuttle ppp: [opt4] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid Aug 3 18:54:30 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #7 Aug 3 18:54:32 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #8 Aug 3 18:54:32 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: SendConfigReq #8 Aug 3 18:54:32 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPADDR Aug 3 18:54:32 shuttle ppp: [opt4] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid Aug 3 18:54:34 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: SendConfigReq #9 Aug 3 18:54:34 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPADDR Aug 3 18:54:34 shuttle ppp: [opt4] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid Aug 3 18:54:34 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #9 Aug 3 18:54:36 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #10 Aug 3 18:54:36 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: SendConfigReq #10 Aug 3 18:54:36 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPADDR Aug 3 18:54:36 shuttle ppp: [opt4] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: no reply to 1 echo request(s) Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: parameter negotiation failed Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: state change Req-Sent --> Stopped Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: LayerFinish Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: parameter negotiation failed Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: state change Req-Sent --> Stopped Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: LayerFinish Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] Bundle: No NCPs left. Closing links... Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] Bundle: closing link "opt4_link0"... Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] Link: CLOSE event Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: Close event Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: state change Opened --> Closing Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] Link: Leave bundle "opt4" Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] Bundle: Status update: up 0 links, total bandwidth 9600 bps Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: Close event Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: state change Stopped --> Closed Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: Close event Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: state change Stopped --> Closed Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: Down event Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPCP: state change Closed --> Initial Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: Down event Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4] IPV6CP: state change Closed --> Initial Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: SendTerminateReq #2 Aug 3 18:54:38 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: LayerDown Aug 3 18:54:40 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: SendTerminateReq #3 Aug 3 18:54:42 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: state change Closing --> Closed Aug 3 18:54:42 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: LayerFinish Aug 3 18:54:42 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] Link: DOWN event Aug 3 18:54:42 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: Down event Aug 3 18:54:42 shuttle ppp: [opt4_link0] LCP: state change Closed --> Initial
I also tried with /dev/cuaU0.1, /dev/cuaU0.2, /dev/cuaU0.3…

Alright, everything is working as expected.
/dev/cuaU0.2 is the one to talk with.
Don't forget to put your module in the correct connector (J16) of your APU1 to be able to use the SIM card slot.
See http://www.pcengines.ch/pdf/apu1.pdf for more details.Finally, I pushed my patch to FreeBSD 10.1.
It should be available in the next pfSense release.Have fun !
Since the kernel embeds all the modules, you need to compile the whole kernel.
Is this with just pfSense or all FreeBSD?
In Freebsd, I tried compiling just u3g with its makefile and then copied my modified module u3g.ko over to /boot/kernel/modules folder. Did not seem to work so i assume i need to compile the whole thing with make buildkernel and make installkernel run from /usr/src folder. My modified u3g was smaller in size by 10Kb. I see a u3g.ko.symbols as well and am cluesless.
Can i just recompile u3g or do I need to do it all? usbdevs file does not need compiling or does it?? Seems like a text file.
I really don't want old kernel/backup and just want to fixup current one. Am i doing this right?
Can I recompile a kernel that i am currently booted to and if not then is that why the man has you work on the MYKERNEL?
I am using this but without a config file:
I just want to rebuild Freebsd current kernel, is that doable or wrong way to do it. If it don't work i will just wipe it. -
In Freebsd, I tried compiling just u3g with its makefile and then copied my modified module u3g.ko over to /boot/kernel/modules folder.
Perhaps, it would be not running because the driver was for another version of FreeBSD, can this be? (8.3 / 10.1)
Since the original kernel is compiled with the u3g module embedded, you have to compile a new kernel.
Great result, nice job! :)
I would like to test the Huawei ME909u-523 as that is for North America market. It seems to be rather rare. The bands on the EU version are not the same. The 523 supports LTE on B2, B4, B17 for ATT and Tmobile here.
I wonder if the PID is the same as your module…
Can you please open a new thread for this module ?
Then I will try answer to help
is it possible that you post a short manual what we have to do to get the ME909 running in PF?!
Many Thanks !!!
Did you check at the following post ?
https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=86064.msg543091#msg543091If you have kernel compilation experience, that's quite easy.