MultiWAN it's slower instead of faster
hi ubit,
Hope you and ur pfsense fine… :)
i m newbie to Pfsense word. my network topology consist of 1LAN and 2WAN, i am having same issue of slow speed and some times even no traffic pass through WAN2, please guide me about rules for both WAN1 and WAN2, also confirm are able to balance load, with existing configuration,(as of attached PIcs...)also can you please give me favour to ping me on my email if you can spare some time for
hi ubit,
Hope you and ur pfsense fine… :)
i m newbie to Pfsense word. my network topology consist of 1LAN and 2WAN, i am having same issue of slow speed and some times even no traffic pass through WAN2, please guide me about rules for both WAN1 and WAN2, also confirm are able to balance load, with existing configuration,(as of attached PIcs...)also can you please give me favour to ping me on my email if you can spare some time for
hi, i would love to help you…
can you tell me this:
both wans are from the same ISP?
if you test both wans separately whats each bandwidht?? -
hi ubit,
sorry for late was busy in exams,
yes my both WAN link are from same ISP, and link bandwidth is 4Mbps, that why i want to sum up both to get at least 8mbps,
hi ubit,
sorry for late was busy in exams,
yes my both WAN link are from same ISP, and link bandwidth is 4Mbps, that why i want to sum up both to get at least 8mbps,
can you send me the configuration you made on pfsense to work with multiwan, pls.
Please check attached pictures of my experiments….
yes my both WAN link are from same ISP, and link bandwidth is 4Mbps, that why i want to sum up both to get at least 8mbps,
Once more again, this is not able to realize! You are making a thinking false.
4 MB/s + 4 MB/s = 4 MB/s + 4 MB/s and not 8 MB/sThis can be only done with MLPPP (MPLS) and the ISP must offer this as a service also, because this
is a both ends construct. -
Please check attached pictures of my experiments….
i see. do you change your gateway on the rules?
can we do a TeamViewer sesion? -
Please check attached pictures of my experiments….
For load balancing and fail over rules you could watch here in this thread the example that
will be shown there. That will do it for all also as I see it right.
multi-wan [dual] and policy based routing with failover -
thanks a lot buddy… by your help im able to get double...8mBs...
here you can see speedshot
it's great it work you done here! and all I did was see the conditions and make observations but at the end it's you who really pull it to work, congratullations!
you do understand speedtest uses multiple streams…
As stated already 4 + 4 = 4 + 4 not 8..
If you balance the load across both wan then you could get a combined total of 8... But 1 machine downloading via 1 stream is not going to get 8, the max it could see is 4...
you do understand speedtest uses multiple streams…
As stated already 4 + 4 = 4 + 4 not 8..
If you balance the load across both wan then you could get a combined total of 8... But 1 machine downloading via 1 stream is not going to get 8, the max it could see is 4...
that it's correct johnpoz. each line is 4mb and combined are 8mb. each stream could give us 4mb max. the pfsense box combine the lines and if we used the pfsense box as our gateway we will have 8mb bandhwidth that allow multiple download sessions as torrents apps or websites as youtube. but not in apps as dropbox or websites as megavideos.
Some sites does not allow changinbg IP, you tube for example loads slower or will not load the video if your ip has diff coubtry(using VPN) and slower if different ip same country. some sites will not allow changing ip at all.
Have you asked your ISP if they support or would consider supporting MLPPP?
With pfSense MLPPP works very well and is very easy to set up. Sometimes a little education to an ISP is all it takes.
I feel the need to chime in here because I had the exact same situation that persisted for the past year. I have 3 3mb DSL lines to my house (ATT Business), and prior to my hardware upgrade Speedtest would show upwards of 9-10mb on the downstream and 512kb up. Since my hardware change I barely get above 3.5mb and usually 256k up.
Maybe you guys are right and we are moronic and totally wrong but all we can say is what we experienced. My routinggroup was set just like the OP's to all T1 and packet loss or latency as a trigger. With 8+ devices, a kid streaming youtube, myself Netflix on the Roku the onyl time I ever had buffering was while torrenting (which is a bad thing you should never do). Now? I get buffering if I cough loud enough. Traffic graph peggeds out at between 3 and 3.6mb/s.
I have a separate thread about my issues that is being ignored because my original box appears to have gone tits up. But the OP for this thread is not crazy because my old 2.2-release worked like that.