Postfix - antispam and relay package
Sadly SPF is broken now:
Bismarck, have you been able to install from Available Packages? I missed a few days of 2.3 updates but haven't seen the postfix package listed.
Hi biggsy,
the packages should still be there:
The pull request still needs to be aproved first.
Hello marcelloc,
since 2.2.x Postfix doesn't write spam logs to the sqlite database, thus you can't search for spam and the widget doesn't display any spam records.
This makes it really hard to track false positives. :'(
Please help!
when I execute it via putty after I send a spam test, it does write the spam record to the database file!?
[root@pfsense~]$ /usr/local/bin/php -q /usr/local/www/postfix.php 01min /usr/bin/grep '^Jan 15 09:25.*\(MailScanner\|postfix.cleanup\|postfix.smtp\|postfix.error\|postfix.qmgr\)' /var/log/maillog Found logs to 2016-01-15.db ####################################### SPAM:SpamAssassin (nicht zwischen gespeichert, Wertung=1004.701, benoetigt 3, FSL_HELO_NON_FQDN_1 0.00, GTUBE 1000.00, HTML_MESSAGE 0.00, PYZOR_CHECK 1.98, RDNS_NONE 0.00, TVD_RCVD_SINGLE 1.21, ZONK_PHISH_BODY 1.50)5E1EA1C2B99zonk ####################################### ####################################### SPAM:SpamAssassin (nicht zwischen gespeichert, Wertung=1004.701, benoetigt 3, FSL_HELO_NON_FQDN_1 0.00, GTUBE 1000.00, HTML_MESSAGE 0.00, PYZOR_CHECK 1.98, RDNS_NONE 0.00, TVD_RCVD_SINGLE 1.21, ZONK_PHISH_BODY 1.50)4E48D1C2BFBzonk ####################################### writing to database...writing to database... writing to local db 2016-01-15...ok
maybe a timeing problem?
The pull request still needs to be aproved first.
Thank you for working on this, Marcello. Is there any news?
I did a fresh install of pfSense 2.2.6 last week and the Postfix package did work out of the box, expect the search mail & widget sqlite bug, wich can be fixed by fetching the postfix.php/postfix.widget.php from:
fetch -o /usr/local/www/postfix.php fetch -o /usr/local/www/widgets/widgets/postfix.widget.php
So NO need to delete Postfix and install it via pkgng!
Regards ;)
Thank you for working on this, Marcello. Is there any news?
yes, I'll need to change the syslog function that enables /var/log/maillog.
So NO need to delete Postfix and install it via pkgng!
It just started up or it's running and filtering email? on 2.2 I got a lot of missing libs erros on postfix subprocesses.
So NO need to delete Postfix and install it via pkgng!
It just started up or it's running and filtering email? on 2.2 I got a lot of missing libs erros on postfix subprocesses.
Yes it's filtering email, spam and viruses with MailScanner, I run it as my productive system since 2 weeks now, no lib errors or crashes.
Thank you for your hard work, much appreciated!
Hi Marcello, I'm trying pfsense 2.3 beta, and one of the essential
packages for me is postfix, but the same does not appear in the list
of available packages, you had said at the forum, which would sit in
this package postfix for version 2.3 . As it would be possible to
install that version of package postfix in pfsense 2.3 beta. Greetings
and thank you very much for the excellent work he has done. Excuse the
bad English. -
postfix 2.11 was released in January and, among other things, it contains the following enhancement:
- A new postscreen_dnsbl_whitelist_threshold feature to allow
clients to skip postscreen tests based on their DNSBL score.
This can eliminate email delays due to "after 220 greeting"
protocol tests, which otherwise require that a client reconnects
before it can deliver mail. Some providers such as Google don't
retry from the same IP address, and that can result in large
email delivery delays.
Any chance of an updated package based on postfix 2.11?
Hi Biggsy, this is working with the current package Postfix 2.11.3/pfSense 2.2.6.
To enable:
edit /usr/local/pkg/ around line 629 and add this:
$postfix_main .= "postscreen_dnsbl_whitelist_threshold=-1\n";
and restart the Postfix service.
So no more hardcodeed IPs in Client Access List / CDIR needed, for google outbound mail server etc. ;)
marcelloc, maybe you can make this a option in the Postfix menu?
- A new postscreen_dnsbl_whitelist_threshold feature to allow
Hello marcelloc,
I found 2 bug in postfix.php, related to the log to sqlite file.
The result of loglines populated to slqlite file differs by the time period chosen tin the Genaral tab > Logging > Update Sqlite, it always missing around 50% of what has been really logged, eg. if we choose Every Minute. I found a workaround by adding a second cronjob, which executes every 10m as well and no longline is missing anymore.
Second, this is related to spam status is not updated to the sqlite file on month days with just one digit (1 - 9), because postfix logs the date like:
Feb 6 16:25:21 pfsense postfix/dnsblog[27506]: addr listed by domain as
and MailScanner like:
Feb 06 16:24:50 pfsense MailScanner[20367]: Delivery of nonspam: message 604671C2F69.A240D from ``` I guess there is something like a regex pattern mismatch, because on month days with 2 digits (10 - 31) the spam status is updated to sqlite file just fine. Regards
When you use Postfix/TLS, you should fix the DROWN Attack vulnerability:
openssl dhparam -out /usr/pbi/postfix-amd64/etc/postfix/dh2048.pem 2048
and add this, below your TLS config in the custom options:
# Whenever the built-in defaults are sufficient, let the built-in # defaults stand by deleting any explicit overrides. # Disable deprecated SSL protocol versions. See: # # # # Default in all supported stable Postfix releases since July 2015. # Defaults for the mandatory variants never allowed SSLv2. # smtpd_tls_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3 smtp_tls_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3 lmtp_tls_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3 tlsproxy_tls_protocols = $smtpd_tls_protocols # smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3 smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3 lmtp_tls_mandatory_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3 tlsproxy_tls_mandatory_protocols = $smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols # Disable export and low-grade ciphers. See: # # # # Default in all supported stable Postfix releases since July 2015. # smtpd_tls_ciphers = medium smtp_tls_ciphers = medium # Enable forward-secrecy with a 2048-bit prime and the P-256 EC curve. See # # # # # The default DH parameters use a 2048-bit strong prime as of Postfix 3.1.0. # smtpd_tls_dh1024_param_file=${config_directory}/dh2048.pem smtpd_tls_eecdh_grade = strong # Trimmed cipherlist improves interoperability with old Exchange servers # and reduces exposure to obsolete and rarely used crypto. See: # # # smtp_tls_exclude_ciphers = EXPORT, LOW, MD5, aDSS, kECDHe, kECDHr, kDHd, kDHr, SEED, IDEA, RC2 smtpd_tls_exclude_ciphers = EXPORT, LOW, MD5, SEED, IDEA, RC2
SSL Labs Test:
Hi - any news for Postfix on 2.3? I see that it's not currently in the package list for the Beta.
Perhaps Marcello is very busy but I'm hoping we will hear some news too.
I've sent two updates today and one is missing to complete changes requested by renato -
Many thanks for the update and also your hard work.
Postfix Forwarder 2.4.6 on pfSense 2.2.6 (amd64)
Based on my reading of this thread the above combination works without modification… is this correct?
Enable LDAP fetch: Installing the LDAP pkg don't work based on (hint: /usr/sbin/pkg_add -r p5-perl-ldap) as listed on the GUI?
pkg_add -r p5-perl-ldap Results: pkg_add: Command not Found
pkg add -r p5-perl-ldap Results: No Such File: -r
pkg add p5-perl-ldap Results: No Such File: p5-perl-ldap
What is it that I am missing?
Postfix Forwarder 2.4.6 on pfSense 2.2.6 (amd64)
Based on my reading of this thread the above combination works without modification… is this correct?
Enable LDAP fetch: Installing the LDAP pkg don't work based on (hint: /usr/sbin/pkg_add -r p5-perl-ldap) as listed on the GUI?
pkg_add -r p5-perl-ldap Results: pkg_add: Command not Found
pkg add -r p5-perl-ldap Results: No Such File: -r
pkg add p5-perl-ldap Results: No Such File: p5-perl-ldap
What is it that I am missing?
pkg install p5-perl-ldap
pkg help
For more information on the different commands see 'pkg help <command></command>'.
Thanks! I am new to FreeBSD, so its a learning curve from Fedora.