AT&T Mifi Setup
I just recently purchased and setup an AT&T Unite Explore MIFI device. I currently have the device connected via USB to my pfSense box and used this command to configure it to an interface: usbconfig -d ugen3.7 set_config 1.
The above process is now working great and I am able to get mobile internet. I have two problems though:
How do I make the usbconfig -d ugen3.7 set_config 1 permanent so I do not have to input the command every time I unplug the MIFI unit?
How do I setup the device in IP Passthrough Mode so I can gain access to my hosted applications? (Right now, I am basically running two firewalls. One is the MIFI device and the other is my pfSense box.
When I try to do set the MIFI device in IP Passthrough Mode and USB Tether, my pfSense webui becomes unresponsive and I am unable to configure any further.
Thank you very much for the insight!
Any thoughts on this?
If you run it from shell then download the shellcmd app to pfsense and add the command to run at boot
Thank you very much for the reply kapara!
I have found these settings before and did not add them because this was on boot, not per device. If I unplug the MIFI device and plug it back in, will this command rerun?
Thank you!