SG-3100 Factory Reset Reboot Loop
If you no longer have an active portal subscription, please contact support to re-enable access to the image free of charge.
That info is right there in the link I posted about contacting support ;)
Did you not create a portal account?
Is an account required? If so, where can I find the Netgate Device ID to get a free 1-year?
If this is a brand new purchase, you should have received an instruction card. First go to the following link and register your device
After that you will have access to from where you will be able to download the latest factory images for your unit.
Check out the following links as well:
I did receive an instruction card. Where can I find the "* Netgate Device ID (NDI) For free access" ?
My router is not working over HTTP, only Serial Terminal USB.
NDI is displayed right on the top of the default console screen once pfSense boots, among with other info like WAN and LAN IP and so on.
It shows device model, serial and NDI.
The router is stuck in a reboot loop so I cannot see the Negate Device ID. Can someone send me the ISO file? pfSense-netgate-SG-3100-recover-2.4.3-RELEASE-p1-armv6.img.gz
In that case, try the following, as I think you may be experiencing file system corruption.
- At the SG-3100 console press any key to interrupt the boot loader when you see:
Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt.
At the prompt enter: boot -s
That will boot in single user mode to a question asking for a path to the shell, just press return to reach the # prompt.
- At the # prompt run the following command: /sbin/fsck -y /
Run the fsck command at least 3 times; Repeat the command until no errors are reported, even if fsck claims the filesystem has been marked "clean".
- Reboot by running: /sbin/reboot
It should boot normally. Let me know how that goes!
- At the SG-3100 console press any key to interrupt the boot loader when you see:
The device displays the message, "Waiting for Internet connection to update pkg metadata and finish package reinstalationUpdating pfSense-core repository catalogue...". The current LAN uses 192.168.1.* and the Internet IP is set statically.
Is there a way to skip the update?
Okay, let's make this easier for you. Can you please contact our support and reference this thread? They will be able to assist you with access to our portal and re-installing pfSense. Simply register and submit a ticket at the following link: