[2.2.1-DEVEL] filter_generate_port: 1194 is not a valid destination port
What's this noise supposed to mean?
Mar 5 21:25:32 php-fpm[63724]: /rc.filter_configure_sync: filter_generate_port: 1194 is not a valid destination port. Mar 5 21:25:32 php-fpm[63724]: /rc.filter_configure_sync: filter_generate_port: 3493 is not a valid destination port. Mar 5 21:25:32 php-fpm[63724]: /rc.filter_configure_sync: filter_generate_port: 1194 is not a valid destination port. Mar 5 21:25:31 php-fpm[63724]: /rc.filter_configure_sync: filter_generate_port: 3493 is not a valid destination port. Mar 5 21:25:30 check_reload_status: Reloading filter
This is a fully gitsynced box with recent 2.2.1 snapshot. There's OpenVPN server running on port 1194, and there's a NAT rule for NUT on LAN.
This extra validation in /etc/inc/util.inc function alias_expand($name) broke that:
https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense/commit/9bfb45ab2810edd13c3799510f5d090d01f82791 -
And this should make it happier:
https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense/pull/1543 -
Thanks for the catch doktornotor and Phil. I overlooked that when making the change to skip numeric-only alias names since those are no longer valid in the ruleset.
I merged the pull request, next snapshot run will start in a bit.
Fixed, thanks.
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