[Solved] where are the release notes for daily snapshots?
Are there release notes for the daily snapshots? I'm running 2.4.5rc and simply curious...
Very visible is this : https://redmine.pfsense.org/projects/pfsense/issues?set_filter=1&tracker_id=1 : the 2.4.5 RC issues are mentioned.
But, as mentioned by Netgate-members recently, other, more internal, to pfSense/netgate, to-do lists exists.
It looks to me that every night (for me) a builder-robot kicks in, and distillates a new version. In theory, this could be a version without any chances, except the time stamps on the files.
Look at Redmine, and the Github repos (on the RELENG_2_4_5 branches) and see what's there.
The snapshots are automated and on a timer. There will not be a per-snapshot set of release notes.
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